Does anyone know of any sales on Mobil 1 Extended Performance 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil? A couple years ago someone on here told us about a great sale on this oil, but I have used all of it
Im an oil connoisseur, a member of Bobistheoilguy since 2004 and a super cheapass ALWAYS sniffing out the FAR (Free After Rebate) or just a good deal on motor oil - Ive only seen a sale big enough to brag about on Mobil 1 maybe twice in all those years and know of no good deals on Mobil 1 (especially the M1 EP!) as of late. In my garage however, I do have a stash of Mobil Super Synthetic, Mobil 5000, Valvoline Synpower that OPEC would be proud of. Walmart is your best bet, seriously. 5 qt Mobil 1 jug for ~$24.