It is looking like July will bring bad news for Clean Fuel Plate holders in VA. Have you written your state representatives on this matter? Let them know how you feel about the issue. Here's the link to find them... Our new Governor should support us on this too, I haven't seen his views on this yet although he has spoken a lot about transportation. PS If you are from MD (and by my impression angry) I probably already know how you feel about this..... Thanks!
I am unfortunately from Maryland. It sucks that you guys will lose your HOV lanes, but I'm hoping for a glut of used hybrids going on the market later this year I wouldn't mind upgrading to an '06 if someone was going to part with theirs at a reasonable price. I don't go to VA much, but it seems like there are TONS of Priuses with MD and DC plates, so I think hybrids are here to stay even with the disappearing HOV lane access. -- Hillary
I read that HOV task force report, and it really does seem like a joke - shame on the Secretaries of Transportation and Public Saftey for reporting issuing a 4 page report, that includes a cover page, a blank page, and their list of changes without the rational behind them. However, I'm really on the fence on this one. While it sounds like a great perk for hybrid owners to be able to drive in HOV lanes, everytime you do it, it's hurting the environment because our fuel economy is excellent in traffic jams. I know it sounds almost senseless, but if the biggest gas-pigs on the road were allowed to cruise uninhibited down that center lane, there'd also be a positive environmental impact. I'm still not sure that I want to push for the hybrid HOV perks, as much as I'd enjoy it. Anyone have any input for me here? Thanks, Dave
Update!! Part way to success. 35 -3 "Va. Senate Votes to Let Hybrids Stay in HOV Lanes" See how your senator voted: Or: Bill # SB454E Vote is link second line from bottom.
Oops! I told my boss (who commutes in the 95 HOV lanes in his HCH) that this passed, because I heard a tidbit on the news about it this it pretty likely that it'll pass the house as well, since the senate vote was so overwhelming? -- Hillary
I live in MD, but from what I hear at work there are too many cars in the HOV as it is. I think a lot of my co-workers are mad about the hybrids being in there.
I appreciate the anti-exception argument. But I am still trying to judge if it is valid. I travel between Springfield and Arlington every day and 8 out of 10 days I have to go 75mph to keep from getting run over. I haven't figured out what caused the problems the other two days but even then the HOV lanes traveled at 3X the speed of 395. I really like the fact that VA is #2 in the number of hybrids. The HOV exemption is reason for this. I think if they removed the exemption it would be a waste of bandwidth. Maybe at some time they might consider the number of CF plates given but that time doesn't seem to be here, at least on 395. gb
Hi Hillary! The Senate was the big hurdle. Tell the boss to contact his Delagate! It's not complete until the gov. signs. Oh, and about your earlier post.... I for one am not giving up my '06 if the exemption goes away. We love this car! gb