How do I disable the GPS Navigation "Terms of Agreement" screen everytime I start up my 2006 Prius? I always have to select the language "English", then enter "Agree" in order to get the GPS mapping system screen. Is there a way to override this screen? It's very annoying.
Coastaletech might have a fix for that. It works for the 04-05, but not sure about the '06. And you don't have to hit ENGLISH each time. It should already be hilighted when it starts up. Just hit the I AGREE button.
Thanks, I checked on the Coasttech site and they have a kit that disables the "I Agree" start up message and also allows a passenger to input navigation while the car is in motion. It just seems unnecessary to have to pay t $99 for for a function that should be included in the Nav system already.
First of all, once you select "English", you shouldn't have to do it again (you will have to touch "I Agree"). The coastal mod is for the 04/05 NAV. As I understand it, it sends touch signals to the NAV. If I understand the sequence correctly, it touches the "I Agree" zone, then it automatically presses buttons and touch zones to get to the maintenance screen and bypass the speed lockout function. Since this sequence does not work on the 06, the only thing the mod would gain you would be not to have to press "I Agree". Hardly worth the time and money IMHO. So far, noone has been able to discover the sequence for getting to the 06 maintenance screen (the diagnostics screen sequence still works in 06). Good luck, Jim
I've found that it's really not an issue about having to touch "I Agree" every time. If it were a complex procedure, but I just touch the button and I'm done. It's really pretty silly to complain about this. It's the same on our Volvo. The destination lock-out is another matter though. That DOES need to be fixed.
Trying to change the screen while your driving can be very dangerous. Toyota put this in their system as a safety feature.
Exactly. Our Volvo included a remote so that the passenger (even back seat) could enter a destination. There are controls on the back of the steering wheel that allow even the driver to enter on while driving if he/she wants.
I have an iQue and it does have an I agree screen but it goes away in a minute or so. So it CYAs for the Garmin people and satisfies the lawyers and lets me get on with my life as a adult. I think that the thing that bugs people the most is having the decision to do this taken away from them. I am not sure if this might not be a Japanese - American thing, who knows? I have only one objection to the whole thing and that is the emergency medical access does not work right. It was one of the first things I tried and instead of taking me to the nearest hospital, it took me to a Family Doc's Office that accepts walk-ins, during office hours 9-5. Does not leave me with much hope that if I am in a strange town that I could use that to get the help I need. I will have to stop the car look up the hospital and then go!! I think Toyota could rethink this a bit.
I would like a fix for the "I Agree" button on my 2006 Prius for convenience as well as to save the screen. You see, my 2003 Lexus has a smooth spot on the screen where the "I Agree" button is located because I've had to press it so many times. I use my navigation system a lot. If I look at the screen with the vehicle turned off, the smooth spot is very easy to see. I want to avoid that problem on my Prius, so I'm hoping Coastal will come out with a kit that works on the 2006 model Prius. It is unclear whether the existing kit for 2004/2005 would work on the 2006 Prius.
This valuable feature is brought to you by the Trial Lawyers Association. (Actually they would prefer that it be left off so they could try to sue Toyota because some jerk stubbed his toe when he ran off the road while messing with the navigation screen.)