i think part of the reason was that engine has to be a certain temp or something. i remember reading something that the car had to sit and cool to room temperature before the flash or something. either way, i will see Henry AND the guy who does his flash on Sunday...so will know a lot more then
Regarding the time, they told me some long min time for the update but my car was ready well ahead of schedule. There is some time involved for prep as they have to remove fuses etc if I remember the notes posted here once. For the can view, they absolutely insisted I remove mine and I had to reschedule the update as a result. I suspect it may be the current draw, but more likely has to do with the bus activity due to my can view being in "auto" mode when they switch on. When my can view was plugged in to the avlan bus they said the car would not go into "sleep mode".
Norm's got new code for the very adventurous with a flash loader. Has a mystery graph for us to try to figure out! And I'm still stuck trying to make sense of the cam timing graph! OK the mystery graph for me reads: 0 when in EV or stealth 19 when coasting with foot off the accelerator 24 at low speeds or idle. When going faster or accelerating the value heads up toward 100 when flooring the pedal. Seems like it is sort of proportional to the power requested. Cruising at higher speeds it might read in the thirtys.
my guess would be fuel trim sensor output, the one that replaced the upstream O2 sensor on the 2k4-5 Prius. no output at 0RPM fuel cutoff 19 on coast just a small reading resulting in a major reduction in fuel flow 24 at low speeds a bit more fuel flow 30's at road speeds even a bit more fuel flow. 100 floored giver her all there is. my guess.
I'd better make it clear this is not a quiz where at the end I announce the correct answer and give away a lifetime's supply of HOV stickers. I don't know the answer. I'm hoping someone can postively ID what this is so it can be added with confidence. I think I know what it isn't. I conclude from the range (once the engine is running) of maybe 15% to 100% that it can't be power or fuel flow or torque, because those all cover a tremendously wider range (at least 40:1?) What else? Mass Air Flow? Atkinson displacement? (because there is no throttle butterfly valve in a Prius? Or is there? Come on guys, we need more ideas put up so others can knock 'em down!
One other item, it's been suggested that when you enter EV mode, you should jump to whatever CANview screen you were last on and not to either the electrical screen (as it used to be) or to the screen you last pressed SAVE on (as in the latest Beta test code) If anyone is strongly for or against this proposal, please email me so I can make an informed decision.
yes there is a butterfly valve in a Prius it's contorlled by a stepper motor that opens and closes it in response to the sender on the "gas" pedal. Edit: it's actually closed by a return spring.
Well looks like I need to move the CAN plug splitter up on the to do list. I had the idea if I had a splitter I could run the ScanGage and CAN View together and compair the data. I guess I will order the parts tonight.
Lemme know how it goes and keep a list of parts and maybe even pics of you put it together. I, too, am interested in having my Dyno-Scan software on the PDA available along with the CAN-View.
A note to those doing downloads. A serious bug in the Jan 17th Beta test code was pointed out: on entry into EV mode, the beeps sometimes stop completley and the MFD can slow right down. Took all day to trace, but a new CCjan196.hex and CIjan196.hex have now been posted. I've been driving round in the rain jumping in and out of EV mode and I believe its fixed. It was requesting AVC entry all the time EV mode was on, not just at entry, with consequent overload of signals to the MFD. On this mystery item, it can't be %engine load because I put it in 'B' mode downhill and got 50% reading with no fuel used. Final note, bare adapter boards came in, so those waiting on one will get them posted tomorrow (as soon as I've solder the parts in) The Flashblaster programmers apparently have left the factory on their way to me. Hang in there....
next time in the Classic I'll program in the engine load% scale and see what the data looks like. Edit: I'll try it in B as well.
Sounds good, since there isn't really an EV page anylonger switching back to whatever was shown before hitting the button sounds like the way to go...
Dyno-Scan!? I have that, but it only works on the Insight and not the Prius? Maybe I have an older version of the OBD-II hardware?
There's a new version that does access CAN data, but it doesn't get any of the hybrid specific data...it would only be there to supplement the CAN-View and allow reading/deleting DTCs and a few other handy functions the CAN-View CAN't-do....oh, I just tickled myself! :lol:
Evan, in your honor I shall make a new version which is unable to read the bus at all. It will be called the CANT-view.
Two things. First I really like the new beta software. Great improvement! Way to go Norm. I can move around and get the info I want. Second. I have ordered the parts for a splitter. I decided to go the easy route and got two "extension cords" that I will cut and splice. I may have spent a bit more than buying the connectors, but with the connectors housings for the female end and finding wire it was just easier and simpler to do it this way. I am getting a idea that it might be nice to cruse around with the CAN View and a THHS plugged in at the same time. A person might learn a thing or two in that way. One can dream. I will start with the ScanGage.
Well I've been following this thread for quite a while, you guys have me so intimidated at the prospect of a Can-View that I too think I may have to get a scanguage instead...... at least till later when I feel I am ready. I cannot follow the lingo and half the time don't have a clue as to what you guys are talking about. At first, I thought it was as simple as installing though a premade harness and all would be well..... but this really sounds like its in the beta almost experimental stage of developement? I just don't know enough yet to assume I could even get the thing working... let alone ever get it updated. Maybe Toyota plans to make in an option once it gets perfected?