Also replying to myself ... over the weekend I tested my theory... I must have done something else that day. So started my car moved two house down put it in park. Then walked home with the key left the key there, walked back to in the car. Yes it was complaining BUT I could shift and drive back... So I am correcting myself with stock 2010 Prius unfortunately you can shift and drive away without the key if the car is in Ready. ... this is not optimal behavior but not sure how better it would be stranded with a dead key in my pocket (I could start the car I know ) No worries I live on street that somebody jumping in the car and drives it away is a vary UNLIKELY thing
I strongly agree the design should be like this too. I am a new Prius (2010) owner and was thinking I can leave the car running or in Ready ON mode if i ever needed to step out and quickly get something but i guess Not since someone can drive off with the car without the fob on hand.
Been here, done this, glad the car beeps at me when I leave it on and walk away. I like the theory that you don't want your car to turn off if you're driving and your fob battery dies. I've got another reason though. It's a safety improvement over regular keys, because if you are being stalked, assaulted, etc., as long as you get the button pushed before the bad guy gets the fob away you can still drive off. As goofy as this sounds, I think it may be true, and I even think it's a good idea.
I left mine running, probably the second or third week I had the car. I got out, hit the fob, it beeped at me, weird pattern but whatever. I didn't realize that was the "hey idiot" beep! It should growl or laugh or something... Came back to it, 7 hours later, and while standing next to the car saying goodbyes, the ICE started up. Surprised the heck out of me! Apparently the HVAC had been on the whole time... Luckily there aren't a lot of car thieves running around a government-run facility with a guard who greets you by name even if you've never been there before. But boy, was I embarrassed! Might be part of why I only averaged 44mpg for that trip, too..
I have left my car running once at six-flags parking lot ... I am not kidding !!!! I have only realized well after we were on our way back ..... the mpg numbers did not make sense ... then I realize SHIT the car was NOT hot inside when it was under the sun ALL day ... boy ..... I was scared afterward !!!! It was such commotion when we got there and leaving etc did not even notice the different beeps. so unless someone drives it away the car will be just fine left in Ready ... it would probably survive days on a full tank of gas even HVAC running
I let my GF borrow the Prius once and she left it on overnight Car was fine the next day and then banned her from driving it
Does anybody remember the story in 2004 about the guy that left his new 04 Prius at the Philly parking lot for a few days. When he came back he knew something was wrong because his car was the only one not to have snow on the windows. He said he left it with a full tank of gas and when he came back of course the car was still on with the heat on and an almost empty tank.