Hello All. New member here. My new Pip base has dash rattles near the front window of the driver side. When I place my hand on the junction of the two most forward pieces of the dash, the rattle stops. Does anyone know how to fix this? The dealership already tried to fix it but I do not want them to take it apart again. Also, the lower glove box has begun to rattle. The materials are just not soft enough to absorb bumps. Love the car but hate the noise. Any help is appreciated.
Search for the word "rattle" and you'll find many threads. There are several good "rattle fix" threads.
i searched over the forums, I only saw one post that was related to my rattle but without an answer. rattling sound from driver's door | PriusChat I notice there was a rattle coming from driver's side near the door/window while I was driving in uneven NYC road going about 30mph. I would not have noticed it had I not been on hold while speaking to someone over bluetooth. After spending few hours trying to figure out where the rattle is coming from, I have found out it's indeed driver's window. If I just open the window tiny bit, the rattle will go away. Anyone else experienced this? Any solutions? Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/drivers-window-rattle.118268/#ixzz2FvxsMsOf
i have few more rattles that develop as temperature dropped. my last trip to dealer wasn't good one as they couldn't 'duplicate' the problem. the front window isn't exactly rattle but rather window seem to be not fully aligned thus creating shaky noise when i go over bumps/rough roads. there are more apparent rattle in the glove dept., hoping next trip to dealer fixes the problems otherwise i might have to go seek another dealer. Just remember to fix this fast, as rattle related warranty is for 12k
Thanks for the help so far! Luckily I can just tap on the dash to make the rattle appear so that will be easy to show the dealership. Seems like it should be an easy fix since just putting my hand on the dash makes it disappear. There definitely just needs to be more pressure pushig up from beneath to stop the rattle. I really don't want them to take the entire dash apart.
I had that same rattle and the dealer took it apart 3+ more times. They couldn't fix it with foam tape. They ended up replacing the top part of the dash and that solved the problem. You might want to ask them to do that. It was really annoying and I would tune into the rattle every time. Drove me crazy. I now have a rattle in the passenger door when the volume is too loud. But, I think the culprit is when the tint shop took the door panel off. I'll get to it when I have time.
One rattle that I have never seen addressed is right above the driver side sun visor. The rattle will stop if you flip the sun visor down and press on the headliner. Eventually the noise will return. I have found that the rattle occurs much less often with 15" tires than with 17" tires. Sorry I don't have a fix for it.
i will keep you updated, i have appointment for rattle concerns after new years with courtesy car provided for free.
update on my car. dropped off the car thursday morning. Picked up the courtesy prius, when compared to my PiP, this loaner 2011 prius was rattle free. Explained 3 rattles, one coming from driver's window - they tighten the rotor on the windows. Clatter noise has gone down significantly. Passenger side's door rattle near speakers is still there, and was rattling away while driving home. Didn't understand why they couldn't duplicate this problem. Middle console rattle, this one comes and goes - certainly understood why it wasn't duplicated. I wish I could've test drove with the technician. They asked me to either come in friday afternoon before 6 ( i get off work at 6 ! ) or monday morning to test drive with the technician. Not in area until next week wednesday, so agreed to just picked up the car sat (my tech is off sat. according to them) and have the concern re-address during my next service. At least the biggest concern, the clatter noise from the driver's window has been somewhat addressed. Dealer will loan me a courtesy car for the future service. Will make sure to get a time slot available for test drive with the tech. on the spot.
Our old gen 3 had one major rattle in the small window between the passenger door and windshield, related to the dash I believe. There was a service bulletin related to it but we never took it in to toyota to get repaired before we traded in for the PIP. This one has many of the rattles you have described, and annoys the hell out of me every time I drive it, so I agree that this one seems much more rattle prone than the Gen 3. Hopefully there will be a service bulletin soon so we don't have to play the dealer service multiple test drive game...
im beginning to suspect weather strips / sealant about the window part. at least my dealer seems to be very accomodating thus far.
We have a sound like a nut or something somewhere in the dash. We can hear it if we take a corner just right in the opposite direction it last went into. I haven't spent a lot of time trying to debug it yet. I am not even 100% sure where it comes from.
Sounds like you got a good one. I'd have to admit though that once up to highway speed the road noise pretty much covers up most of the rattling
looking back, i had a choice to pick any PiP i wanted on the lot at the same cost (except blizzard pearl white painted ones). There were two with door sills, wish they came in gray metallic. I picked up the only gray metallic with rear bumper applique, i should've picked the other one without it!