Reading the workshop manual and posts here on this forum, it appears that one needs the Toyota Intelligent tester for some of the typical maintenance operations - bleeding the brakes for one. My Toyota dealer states that they do not seel the tester. Is the tester avaiiable elsewhere? I have a 2008 model. Thanks for any info. Toyota?s TIS Techstream Scantool : The Digital Literacy Project This device costs $8,000.
Yes, but a [possibly used] Mastertech 5100 with a Toyota manufacturer- specific cartridge or even a recent version of Autoenginuity can probably suffice for a lot less coin. As dealers upgrade to Techstream, I'm kinda wondering what happens to their old Mastertech tools ... although they're probably still useful for other cars too. . It is possible to bleed *most* of the brake system without a tool by various combinations of power on, power off, relays pulled or not, etc but I'm not sure anyone's researched and written up a good procedure for it. A solid understanding of how the system works is an essential starting point, and much of that can be found at Autoshop 101. . _H*
h, most dealers are keeping the scantools for now. they're buying the minimal number of techstreams possible and using the scantool where it still applies. DH had hope of buying one back in the day when techstream first came out, but they wouldn't even sell to him.
An eight thousand dollar tool to bleed the brakes? Wow. I remember doing this in the driveway with a glass jar and a helper to pump the brake pedal.
Following up here to see if anyone has bought an Intelligent Tester to-date, as the last post here was a few years back. Interested to get one, but not for $8k.
Tis Techstream is cheap and work good, but it limits the data recording to sets based upon controller so doing an engine, transmission, and battery study is all but impossible. But IT2 is able to do all. You can still found some cheap around $300 on the aftermarket