A Ford F-150 four wheel drive was "gutless in the snow" without snow tires while my Prius with snows was able to go when the F-150 could not. Never under estimate importance of having the right tires.
...and how does all this compare with the previous car owned/driven b-4 Prius (you know what Prius is Latin for??? to come b-4) If a previous car did well in EXACT circumstances...then complain. if not, then...
So who made you the arbiter of anything? However, for the record, EVERY car and truck I've ever owned was better with the stock tires in what I came upon on my first try in the Prius. It could have been the icy slush, but whatever it was it was kryptonite to the c. I'm glad that everyone else has had better circumstances, but mine sucked. And the stock wide sporty tires sucked.
For snow, the narrower the tire, the better. The bigger the diameter, the better. I use the 15" stock rims with stock sized Nokian studded. About $600 for the tires. $70 for mounting. Worth every penny. No serious effect on mileage. Very great difference on ice.
The best snow car I had was a 2005 BMW 325xi. Thing was a tank in snow. Am awaiting serious snow to see how the C (with snow tires) actually performs. So far in modest snow I have been pleased.
Last week the wife and I drove up north to go hiking at a park. The C was wearing stock Turanza tires. North of the city here always gets more snow than the city does and much earlier, so the parking area was covered in a nice layer of completely unsalted ice and snow (gee, thanks Ontario Parks, now I know where my fees are going...). I pretty much slip-n-slide drifted my way to the parking spot (very fun) and it gave me an excellent opportunity to test the stopping, starting and overall handling abilities of the Turanzas before swapping out to actual winter tires. With the stock tires, on well-packed snow in low temperatures, the traction control really does struggle to keep you going. I don't think anyone expects the Prius to be magical in this respect, at least not until we get AWD (2014-2015, here's hoping..). Several days after, I switched to the Michelin X-ICE winter tires. Handling around turns on snow isn't that much better, but stopping has dramatically improved. I have had several opportunities to test the C's traction control with the X-ICE tires and have found that I can generally manage my way through dry packed snow, but again, the C doesn't defy physics. I gladly welcome AWD on a car like this.
When we got our first taste of snow here in Western Massachusetts, I was not happy with the way my stock tires performed. After careful consideration of the cost of buying snows and rims, and reading countless reviews I ended up buying a set of Nokian WRG2 all weather tires instead. I got a chance to try them out in a snow storm this past weekend. What a difference! These tires have great traction and stopping ability in snow and slush, up hill and down, give me a smoother ride, and I get better mileage, even in snow, and I can keep them on all year 'round. I feel more confidant with these tires than with any other all season tires that I've driven on in my 40 years of driving experience.
Amen. Anyone who says the C is great in the snow with the stock Turanzas has not attempted a slippery hill.
Actually, I did and my experience was positive...it was not a large hill but still, I was very pleased with the performance of my C.
We finally received a good snowfall (about 8 inches/20centimeters). I had to drive to my Toyota dealer for my 16000 kilometer servicing. My C was great in the snow. It held well, cornered great and handled the stops very well. Snow plowing here is not the best either. It is much better than the Versa that I had last year or even the Pontiac Wave before the Versa. I always equip my cars with snow tires and, despite the little snow that we normally get here, the C is no different. My C is equipped with 4 new Michelin X-Ice 3's P20550R16. We are supposed to get another 4 inches this evening. I have absolutely no complaints and, in fact, I am surprised at how well that she handles the snow and ice.
I've only got the two front X-Ice. On my CRX I also only had the two fronts as snow tires. The concern of only two snow tires is that of rampant rears. (joke deleted) When decelerating and turning a corner, the CRX rear wanted to come around on me. This was a known condition and could be planned for. There would be a problem during emergency maneuvering, but those were minimal. I tried to break the back end loose on the C after putting on the two X-Ice. The braking systems were on the ball and prevented it. They also put the brakes on and slowed everything down. This could be problematic in certain instances. It should be planned not to pull out in front of anything on short notice, as you might not be out of the way in time to prevent the inevitable "space-time anomoly." I would think that a full compliment of snow tires would prevent braking system weirdness and allow for a fast turn around a corner with minimal danger. Comment(s) from those w/4 snow tires?
Exactly this. I have thought about this and I almost think that it is safer (for me, atleast) to drive with the traction control thing off in snowy conditions. While its unbelievably hard to lose control with it on, I know how to handle a car and if that system prevents me from being able to in an emergency, i think that its safer without it.
It's awfully fast, that braking system. High-speed incidents could really benefit. But I, too, know how to drive and sometimes wish the braking smart-system had a simple OFF button. In the mean while, I simply drive like an old man when it gets nasty. If I want to live it up I just get out the truck.
You could live it up in the C with all four wheels with the Xi3, one tire to rule them all. I think they recommend all four wheels due to the drastic handling difference. All four makes it fun and safe.
Equipping any vehicle with only 2 ( or no ) snow tires is asking for trouble. The ditches here are full of vehicles without snow tires today. Recently here, a woman lost control of her jeep in slushy conditions and ended up in a lake. Her family celebrated Christmas at a funeral all thanks to 4 season ( read 3 season ) tires. What nonsense