I am trying to figure out why we are looking at the possibility of a phasing out of the HOV exemption in VA. At one time I thought it was in reaction to pressure from the federal government. But then I see all these posts about the CA exemption that seems to be expanding? Huh? I also hear that it has something to do with too much congestion on VA's HOV lanes. But CA is issuing 75K stickers? I don't know how many CF plates have been issued, I'm going to check, but it can't be anywhere near that number. What's up?
It is not being phased out, it was an experiment that is scheduled to expire this year. Due to complaints about the number of hybrids in the HOV lanes, Virginia is seriously concidering not extending the program.
Uh, OK. It is expiring, not being phased out..... And I understand there is the argument that there is congestion. They say some HOV lanes are at capacity in CA. But they are issuing 75K stickers for single occupancy exemption. Why are they issuing 75K stickers in CA but "expiring" it in VA? That is my question.
I take the VA HOV every day, 66 east and west to and from DC. I see alot of hybrids yes, but for every 1 I see, I see 4 HOV Violators. Traffic was starting to get bad and then for a week the cops started sitting at the exits, pulling over violators. Traffic is non existant now. Its obvious what the problem was and its not Hybrids!
I am confused about how the congestion of the HOV lanes in Virginia should have any connection to the issuance of HOV stickers in California. Virginia has been running their test program for sixteen years and it is now coming to an end. California is just starting their test program and have decided to limit their's to the first 75K hybrid owners who apply. This is not the first deadline for the Virginia program, it has been extended several times before. If the General Assembly agrees with opinion that hybrids are threatening the effectiveness of the HOV lanes, then the program may not be extended and single occupant hybrids would not be allowed in the HOV lanes. If you want to continue to use the HOV lanes, either write to your Representatives or move to California.
Oh, this is too funny. I see a lot of discussion about CA stickers and no discussion of VA HOV. I had hoped to begin a discussion among VA members about the possible demise of the exemption to build a little solidarity and see what others think about it. Maybe even to grab a little support from out of staters. Indeed, perhaps I look at things at a too wide a scale but I certainly see a correlation between events in CA and VA. If one some are up in arms about the exemption when there are 40K CF plates in one state, if it is really that bad, why would another state issue 75K stickers to "experiment" if as I’ve, are already at capacity. And, there was a genuine question about the Federal governments role in all this. Thanks for the tips! I've already written my representatives and I'm not prepared to move for a few years. I'll create a new post and hope to narrow down my intent better. Sorry I created so much confusion. I’ll call it “Hey Virginians! Have you written your rep?†I am not evil! Really!! Thanks Have a nice day