Does anyone know if you can reprogram the door locking system in the 2006 Prius to automatically lock when the car begins to move. I am used to this from my old car therefore I always forget to lock my doors when diriving. Noleman
so what happens if you don't lock your doors when driving? I never locked it before and I never lock it now. Just curious
I see, what if there is an accident and someone needs to get into your car quickly and the door is locked?
I would also like to do this. They can break a window if it's a emergency. Also it helps reduce you chance of a car jacking or some homeless guy opening your door. And lets not forget the SUV driver you flip off for tailgating.
I am used to this also and would like it on my prius. Look at the link below, but I am not sure if it can be used in the 06 yet.
I drive after hours in bad areas of town, work related, would love to have it. The link says 2004-2005 no mention of 2006 though.
I did read from on this forum a week ago that he can confirm auto door lock worked on 06. A guy with husky face avatar. I cannot seem to find the link.
Well, I don't have a husky faced avatar, but I have posted in one or two threads that I have installed the door locking kit in my 2006 and it works fine. - Tom
The doors of my 2002 GTI locked automatically at 8 mph. I believe that all VWs do this, they also have rear disks, 16 inch wheels, side and curtain air bags, adjustable seats... but that's'another story. I try to remember to lock the doors shortly after beginning to drive, but it would be nice if the car did it automatically.
Husky face with glowing red eyes... Doc Vijay. Famous Prius modder extrodinaire. Drives something like 120 miles/day in his Prius. (I'd make it more personal too if I invested that much time in my Prius.) I'd like auto-lock too. But I'm not that keen on doing the Coastal mod. Looks like a PITA to install.
Was it "easy" with good instructions? If so I am going to send for it. Just don't want to mess up my new baby.
It is fairly easy with good instructions that include color photos. I have installed two of them: my '06 and Barb's '05 last spring. The only difficulty is the one computer connector you need to unplug and put most of the wire taps on is in a tight spot that people with large hands might have problems getting into. The amount of slack on the wires to that connector seemed a bit longer on the '05 than on the '06. If you are completely mechanically inept, you might want to find a handyman to do it. Otherwise I don't think it is any real problem for the average person who can read simple instructions and follow them. About all you need for the door lock kit is pliers and perhaps a flashlight. On my '06 I managed to put the power outlet kit, the door lock kit, and the EV kit (all from Coastal) into the car in just over an hour. It helped that I had already done the power outlet and door lock on Barb's '05, but not more than a factor of 2. - Tom
Locking your car door doesn't bolt it shut, 99 times out of 100 it just disbles the handle, which I would argue does nothing to keep you in during an accident. I always assumed it was for people who were afraid of being 'carjacked' or other such nonsense.
Thanks I tend to do all of the electronics in our family, so should not be a problem. I drive a lot in the early am hours on call to hospitals. We have had three car jackings recently, I am in the lower end of the valley when I go into the hospital. So it is an area of concern for me. I do carry loaded firearm(s) with a concealed weapons permit. But would prefer not to have to use them. So I like locked car doors.
I don't want to sound snotty here... yet wouldn't clicking the lock button for those early trips be about as easy as clicking your seat belt? Yeah... I like gadgets too, but now we're talking about trying to avoid using a gun? Seems that locking with your finger would be super easy when compared to the risk of shooting somebody!
Concealed weapon = net increase in your safety? That's a whole 'nother ball of wax. Not going there...! Of course, different people operate in different environments, and you will, and should, do what you are comfortable with, but for the vast majority of people, getting carjacked is a astoundingly unlikely occurence REGARDLESS of what the news is peddling. As for me, I'll take my chances, thank you.
I attempt to always lock the door, most of time it is a habit, I just like gadgets. Have had car loads of fun loving gang members attempt to follow me home multiple times. Car phone works best to make them back off.
The lack of auto-locking doors was the first big lacuna I noticed in the Prius. And Toyota knows how to do it right. In my Camry, all the doors would automatically lock when I put the car in Drive and started moving. They would stay locked as long as the car was running and in Drive. Put the Camry in Park and all the doors unlocked. The trouble with the Coastal Tech module is that it only works the first time. You have to turn your car off and back on before it will automatically lock again. And it doesn't unlock automatically, so when you stop and park and get out and want to get something from the back seat, the door is locked. Learning to press the unlock button is as easy, and as frustrating, as learning to press the lock button before driving.