Thinking about everything you said, I am sitting here wondering if the new sensors the tire shop bought were truly programmable. Could it be that they figured out what the ECU (computer) on the Prius was showing for the summer tires, and then simply programmed the new sensors in the snows with those numbers? IF they did that, you will be lucky and not have any problems when you switch back over to the summer tires. IIRC, the ECU (computer) on the Prius only stores one set of numbers for the system to work correctly. Now, if they reprogrammed the ECU (computer) on the Prius, then you may have trouble when you switch back to the summer tires. It really depends on what they did and how they went about completing the job. Here's hoping you won't have problems in the spring! Ron
They told me that they had to install tire sensors that were fully programmable by them with an exclusive TPMS handheld.. so maybe they DID program the ID's of my summer tires into them! That would be sweet. BUT they didnt have my summer tires with them, nor have they ever. The tires were sitting home in my garage. Could they have cloned the ID's already in the TPMS module to the tire sensors? Maybe Ill call them tomorrow and ask exactly what they did.....
I am going out on a limb here, as I said earlier IF they figured out what was stored in the ECU (computer) of the Prius, AND then programmed the new sensors then everything will work together. Since neither of us know exactly what they did, it is really best guess. Ron
Well until I report back, I will close by saying it was an expen$ive day for me and the Prius For something that I could've easily ignored. I could've bought that sharkin antenna (Heck, I couldve bought two!) Ive been wanting with the money I spent on the TPMS the past two days! Oh well, life goes on.
You can buy a tool [ ATEQ TPMS QuickSet ] that will allow you to store your regular and snow tire TPMS IDs on your computer and change which ones the TPMS in the Prius looks for, that way you don't have to go back to the tire shop and have them do it for you. After a couple of uses it pays for itself assuming the tire store charges you for reprogramming the car each time.