Got my new grey 2012 prius plug-in last night with 8 miles on it. It sure pays to wait till they try and clear out the previous years models, you can save a ton of money. So far I am loving it and I want to thank all you east and west coasters for teaching me so much about the car over the past year. Reading the manual last night I can not believe that this little 1.8 L engine requires the same amount of oil (3.4 Q) with oil changes as my 3.3L V6 Highlander Hybrid - that is crazy. Also, the sales man here was shocked and said that he has NEVER had ANYONE decline adding some gas in it at the time of the sale. I just said could you just please charge it up before I pick it up. He also said that he has never met anyone who knows more about the prius before - (obviously its not true since i am a newbie) Again I thank all you guys and gals for that.... INFORMATION IS POWER --- Use it to your advantage.
Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride! Not to rain on your parade, but it doesn't take much to exceed the knowledge of a typical dealership in the matters of a Prius.
Dang, I guess I'm no longer the only Plug-in in Wisconsin who purchased this model in Wisconsin. LOL. I was so lucky back in June to find one which I could purchase. Believe me, you made a wonderful decision. I live in Racine so maybe we could meet for lunch sometime and compare notes. Welcome to the club. Rees
It should be 4.4 US Quarts for complete oil change with oil filter. However on our Prius I replace with 4 quarts total with Toyota 0W20 synthetic oil so not to over fill. After 10,000 miles nearly 4 quarts comes out....
Welcome. Yes, I would hope that after some testing they will change the oil change frequency based on how many miles you traveled with the ICE on.* Fully charged is nice, but I would have taken the free gas. A full charge is worth about $0.30 while a full tank is worth at least $30. * I know that people (especially service departments) say you must change your oil after so many miles OR so many months, blah, blah. I just don't think that will turn out to be true. In ~6 months (one month idle in storage)I have 4200 miles with just 1700 on gas. Excepting for the common practice of doing the first oil change to remove break-in particulates, I just don't see that it would be really be needed, in my case. Typically I'll have, maybe 8-10K miles per year and 3-4K on gas. I'm going to do the required maintenance to not violate the warranty...but it seems unnecessary. Mike
Fully charged is nice, but I would have taken the free gas. A full charge is worth about $0.30 while a full tank is worth True....but I have never had a dealer fill it...they always put a few bucks in...
I live in Watertown. Never seen another plug in in WI. Where did you buy yours? I got mine out of state and saved a pile. We have a "price paid" thread. Be interested in your deal.
Got mine at don Jacobs in Milwaukee. They bought it from Kansas City, MO. I also saved a lot of money buy getting last years model and talking them down.
I wonder how the MO dealer got theirs? That was not one of the states authorized to sell the PIP in '12.
i also have to wonder what motivated BOTH of these dealers to buy the car in a non-launch states. what were they thinking when they got them?
They are supposed to launch in all 50 states beginning in 2013. Does anyone know if they have arrived in any "new" States that did not have them in 2012?