I am considering the ADVENT to upgrade my stock Model 2 radio. I have a question about the stock setup menu regarding "Vehicle" sub menu. This is the menu that allows you to toggle on/off selections for DLR's, Door lock functions, etc. Can these functions be set with the ADVENT system? If not, can they be accessed any other way? I have an Xgauge that could probably do the job but I don't think there are any published codes. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
As was pointed out many times, Prius 2012 has a different HU then older model year and it is linked with other car's systems. The simple chinese HU doesn't offer this kind of interface. These HUs are more or less generic WinCE boxes with the car specific wire harness. will be good to communicate with Advent what you will miss by HU replacement. Maybe they developed some FW add-ons to communicate with car via CAN bus. Car's setup can be done via service/diagnostic software (techstream) and proper pass-through interface.
First off, thank you for your reply. The Advent unit is made by Autiovox and is the only unit that is a direct match or OE for the instrument panel configuration. It also uses the Garmin/Navtec data base with it's own 3d graphics. I'm not sure of the name but it pretty much is a clone of the Toyota head unit as it is in my car. My only reservations were with the lack of the Vehicle setup menu. I have set this menu to my preference and haven't touch it since. With that being said, plus you grecious input, this will give me plenty of food for thought as to my descision. Thanks again.
Let us know, when you get more info from Advent or Ottonavi (Toyota Prius 09-11 GPS Navigation Radio | OttoNavi). Based on the Advent's product code, they can be similar if not the same.
I've been told by the installers that the setup menu IS integrated in the Advent unit. However, as they [installers] don't have one to demo, I have my doubts. Until then, I am a disbeliever. One more thing that discourages me from taking the plunge, is the color. It's not available in the 2012, Titanium theme. It only comes in the black/charcoal which matches the 2010-2011 dash.