Here in DC our vehicle registration certificate is a giant thick decal, that must be affixed to the lower left corner of the windshield, and unfoftunately replaced every year or two. (and very hard to remove, given the slant of the glass). Anyways, after removing my first (one-year dealer purchased decal), I was left with lots of tiny decal bits all over the rough plastic section of the dashboard covering. It seemed the more I tried to clean them up, the more they sort of ground in to the material, leaving a chalky looking residue on the black surface. Does anyone have an idea what I could use to safely remove this stuff? My only compaint in 1.5 years of Prius ownership is the manufacturer's choice of interior materials and colors. They seem to be made to show wear, and be difficult to clean, as opposed to Hondas (for example) who seem to have dirt/wear proof interiors. (my 6 year old Odyssey interior looks nicer than my Prius with no difference in treatment on my part)
Hmmm... Goo-Gone might do it, but it might mess up the dash also. Forgive me for not running out to experiment. To remove the next decal, try heating it with a hair dryer and slowly peeling it away. Acetone will completely remove adhesive residue from the glass (it will dissolve some decal materials also; I wouldn't try it on the dash).
A friend of mine owns a Sign Shop. They make some adhesive removal that is all nautral. Smells of Oranges. I think this is the stuff: Rapid Remover
sounds like a bummer That rough surface really is not conducive to rubbin and scrubbin ! If it was me I'd probably get a small piece of tape and try and lift the bits off. Then I'd use some protectorant to restore the dash to its original sheen. I heartily agree with the comment about poor choice of interior materials. Mine is clean, but the materials/plastics used dont make it an easy job.
I have a thread here in Care Maintenance and Troubleshooting called "Dealer Damage to my Dashboard." I've tried the typical household cleansers, Brilliantize, water, and oil from my fingers but this white latex glove talc powder residue remains. I have fastidiously used only non abrasive chemicals and lint free cloths because otherwise I fear these guys will insist I caused this damage. Worst of all, it seems only the Fremont Toyota Service Manager can decide how to solve my problem, and he's always "busy" or "sick." I want my dash fully restored to new condition! With 900 miles on the clock they caused the damage. My next step is to call the US Toyota Customer Service Hotline, if I can. Shimma :angry:
Any of the citrus-based multi-purpose "solvents" are ideal for this, applied with an old (soft) piece of underwear (cotton) or a sock. The one I currently have on hand is called De-Solv-it, made by Orange Sol in Chandler, AR. (Won't dissolve your dash!). Plus it leaves a "wet-look" shine, similar to spray-on, rub-in protectants. If you don't like that "look", it will all rub off if you wipe a little extra-hard.
I'm delighted to say, 303 Protectant removed those tiny, miserable talcum powder bits from the texture. Hooray! I can avoid Fremont Toyota, at least for now.
I agree with your opinion on the interior materials (dash, door kickboards, etc) All these items appear to be pores in nature and collects scuffs marks and dirt easily.
I have just taken delivery of 06 Driftwood Pearl with Bisque Leather interior. I am a nut about perfection. I found out that cleaning the dash and interior surfaces with the brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner works best in getting the residue out of those damm little creases. When those were taken care of, I took my synthetic chamois from Griot's Garage part #15400 and wiped it down and it looks great. The chamois does not leave any residue. My wife and I are going to have to go to MIT to learn how to program everything on it. The Bluetooth was easy. Have fun with your babies. We are!
I drive a 2004 Prius for work and just took delivery of a 2006 for my own use. I have noticed that the materials on the dash, glove box, and the door window sills are now different. The top dash is not such as it will be hard to clean and the other materials are softer, and also appear easy to clean. I guess Toyota listend to previous complaints.
303 Products. I just ordred my free sample products ($5 postage) from them. Has anyone else used their products and can tell us if you were happy with them? I am primarily interested in protecting my inteior plastic including, of course, the dash. True? Nothing but microfiber cloths on dash and screen?
I've used the aerospace protectant for MANY years, and have found nothing better. To use it is to love it. The best thing you can do for your rubber/plastic/vinyl. I did the whole car with it the day I drove it home. Making the car "look like new" is setting your goals way too low. Using 303 will make it look (and keep it looking) far better than it did when new. microfiber for the screen - anything that doesn't leave lint for the dash. I use a foam applicator for the 303 on the dash and other textured surfaces so nothing "snags" on that stuff.
I, too, have successfully used De-Solv-It to remove adhesive residue from a variety of materials. I'd guess several of the orange-based solvents would act similarly, but I don't know that.
Specifically on the scuff marks...anyone know of way(s) to remove those? I've tried a little bit of water and softly rubbing, doesn't work very well. And even laying a telephone book wrapped in plastic on the dash for just a minute created a scuff line.
This is off topic, but what about how to clean the seats and center console. Mine are looking a little ratty. I have used the vacuum with brush attachment along with a micro-fiber towel/hot-water to blot the dash versus scrubbing. This seems to work best.
I found these 3 products for cleaning the inside of my car, really made a difference. Dirtex was good for cleaning all surfaces in car, left a little residue on black dash. The Dirtex actually cleaned black stained off of upholstery, including door armrest. The Vinylex cleaned the dash really well and left a mid shine, unlike the oily high shine of other products. It made the richness of the dash look like new. The Lens polish really blew me away, it took all the haze out of the clear plastic that covers all the displays.