Just wanted to let anyone know that may have read the post I made about the workaround for entune without using the junk sw app on your phone using dun/pan connection. The latest android OS update to jellybean seems to have broken the ability to user bluetooth tethering. So if you are using the workaround don't upgrade the android OS if you still want it to work. Also I just found a post in the prius V foum about an alternate to the entune app called toyota proxy? anyone tried this app?
what do you mean by broken? maybe the carrier lock that up and make you pay to use it? not tried Toyota Proxy App, need to go locate the post.
I mean when i try to connect for internet it says connection failed. The tethering icon no longer shows on the upper left corner of the device. Tethering and hotspot are all included on my plan. From what I am reading it is a issue that has occured interntional or not with jellybean upgrade for android. tethering is rarely used but it was providing a workaround to allow me to get rid of that horrible excuse for an app toyota put on the android market and had eliminated all the "lost connection to internet" issues I was seeing from the app. I went back to try to find that post and can't remember what I used as a search string but here is the app link Toyota Proxy - Android Apps on Google Play also here it is mentioned on a post in the entune toyota forums Toyota Entune Forum • View topic - Entune Android app alternative
Care to share the make and model of the phone? looks like U are using a verizon galaxy S3. Jelly Bean Issues After Update - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com I found the Toyota Proxy App looks like the App creator has been around promoting the App. nice read nexus 7 Bluetooth tethering - Nexus 7 - RootzWiki - Page 2
Happy to. It is the samsung s3 as you said. I have a 2013 prius package 3. I had SOOO many problems with the entune app dropping connection in pandora prior to this workaround. I tried changing 4 made sure i had good signal basically elimated everything on my side. When this didn't work I went into the bluetooth setup for data and setup the phone to use a dun/pan connection inputing all the vzw programing information and apn. This worked great. elimated all drop and buffer issues telling me it is not a phone or coverage issue. Then I accepted the latest update from verion/samsung which seems to be preventing the use of the bluetooth tether option. I really don't want to go back to entune but am not sure if that proxy app is real seems very new. As you said someone seems to be promoting it recently just not sure if it is on the up and up.
Do you pay Verizon the extra for the "hotspot" ability? I have rooted devices with custom ROM's of JB, ICS, and Froyo and all of them can tether over WiFi or Bluetooth. I have tried a JB on my Galaxy S3 and WiFi tethering at least still works like everything else I can't imaging the bluetooth tethering stopped. But the main thing is that carriers are cracking down on tethering or forcing you to pay. Even the AT&T update for the S3 when it was brand new was designed to turn tethering off and force a message saying "you can turn in back on if you pay $10/mo". There was no way around it because AT&T's ROM forces you to update. A full flash to a Google-ROM and everything works like it should. The carrier has no control over my phone on the phone level. They see network traffic through a proxy, but that's it.
Yes I am on the share everything plan which includes hotspot. What I am concerned with is that verizon considers wifi hotspot and tethering 2 different things. I know this because I worked there in the tech/network team up untill a few months ago when I took another job offer. So my worry is the latest patch crushed bluetooth tether but will allow wifi
Well if you worked there, then you should know your way around the ROM. Why not flash a stable Google ROM (or cook your own from the source) or one of the hundreds of ROMs available for the CDMA S3 and make your phone work the way Samsung and Google intended it instead of the carrier. Worst case is your phone still doesn't bluetooth tether, but it works a lot better without the Verizon bloat. Best case is that it works better.
A valid point. I even have titanium backup purchase to freeze out apps. I rooted my droid x and it ran a lot better. the s3 has so much resources it just seemed unneeded. I may just try that though. Only downside is rooting broke the OTA update option for my droid X It was a pain to put it back to stock to update. Also since I may be changing carriers soon I didn't want to root it in case the made people not want to buy it.
I was tech but tech 3 ;-) So I understand it all and have done most of it. I can't make my own rom but everything else is not an issue. Also I just took a communication engineer job which I am enjoying alot more.
Why would you want OTA updates? As a tech, you should know that software upgrades on system with many software vendors can break things. Same reason why all critical applications apply updates manually and carefully if ever at all. Why companies are still using Windows 95 on silicon test floors because 0.1% downtime is 100% unacceptable. My server only gets updated when the root system drive gets updated. So it gets flashed and then runs 24/7 for 3-4 years and I do a swap. Usually the updates are just to close holes in workarounds (like people getting tethering when they are not paying for it), push new advertising content, or collect data mining. All valid, but of no use to me.