I'm only getting 41 mpg for the first two tanks.....I think I have a lemon. .....................TRUE.....................................................NOT TRUE..................... And, for the most part, PriusChatters have a sense of reality and a sense of humor!
I'll back this up in case a newbie might think Tideland's needlessly defending the Prius. Few know the lengths to which Toyota is going---in its ongoing R&D---to make a car that's as recyclable as possible. There are many good articles "out there" on this, some going back several years. They have tested/are testing every conceivable formulation of plastic, including GROWING trains of plants and trees that look as if they might contribute to a more "organic" blend. That one made my jaw drop. So, no matter how "retro" cars get in the future, probably safe to say you won't find any decorative pieces of actual chrome-finish or actual brushed anodized aluminum in future Toyota cars. Sure, those "touches" are nice to look at---"elegant", "plush", whatever. But if we're serious about not wasting resources, it's got to extend across the board, even to small personal compromises. And yeah, the "constant knocking" about MPH is MILDLY annoying to me, but not very much so. We know what the problems are with EPA testing. We know there are some small-print disclaimers (which few read or remember). We even know that the whole EPA/CAFE thing is highly politicized, and will remain so. Finally, we know that the Prius is not the first car to get whined about, through some combination of EPA's misleading numbers and drivers' ignorance. We simply have to keep whacking away at the disparities between the printed word and the real world. Lots of these things are relatively new to us. We need to have a little perspective, and to look ahead 50, 100 years and more, and ask ourselves, "what kind(s) of testing---and consumer education---will make the most people at least minimally knowledgeable?". IMO, MPG testing should be privatized, farmed out to a private non-profit outfit, under the auspices of some reputable organization such as Consumers Union. The vested interests will still have to thrash it out on CAFE standards, but at least the actual testing standards and procedures can be more insulated from politics.
Cool thanks. I'll try to find the articles that say what we're saying Toyota is doing. Can I comment on the hybrid premium then? Why do you think the Insight is so expensive? hybrid technology or lightweight materials? I say both. The Insight is the cheapest car with an all aluminium body. The next cheapest? A Jaguar XJ series. Obviously the Prius, Accord, Civic and so on don't have that much aluminium but there is a more generous use of that material compared to regular cars. Edit: Here's the smog-reducing plant that Toyota made. http://web-japan.org/trends/science/sci051128.html
You forgot a used Audi A8. I think my 2000 A8 is worth something like $17K in a private-party sale. :blink: All-aluminum body and frame, too. (And something like 15 mpg city.)
Hmm. That;s awfully low for a car like that. I sold my 1989 Mercedes 560SL for $19K a few years ago. It was in flawless condition and low miles, but it also cost a bit less when new...
Bluejay, Are you just back-pedaling from how your initial post was taken? I'm sorry but it's too late. You've already started out on the wrong foot and I sense by this thread tdhat you wish you wouldn't have done that. Here's the deal. Your initial post came across pretty harsh...like an attack. Sure the Prius is not perfect but you pretty much laid it on the line with Toyota lied.....should have trained me....not getting mpg's as promised....nobody told me that driving NASCAR-style kills fuel efficiency.... It was the attitude and arrogance of your post that rubbed certain people the wrong way - including me. You didn't ask questions - just made accusations. Some of us make it a point to defend hybrid technology, not only because we have money invested in it, but feel strongly about what it will mean for our future. Yes, we have to defend it as much as spread the word. It's because of the articles, politicians, CEO's, and the like, who write false information - usually based on their financial investments. It gets repetative....and very, very old. So, in the end, I don't give a rat's nice person if the automobile is made by Toyota, Ford, Citroen, ...whatever....this technology is something I believe in that will take us through to the next level...and eventually, our dependency on petroleum will trickle to a halt. If you have a problem with your car, ask questions. Be careful of how you word your posts. The last word is yours, that is your trait.
I'm aOK with BlueJay. Remember, he only came here flustered when his mpg was 20ish, then listened to advice and has zoomed up to 40's mpg still in cold weather. He is going to be the guy who will encourage others with similar initial results to take heart, and modify their driving so that the Prius shines for them too. AND, he has a sense a humor. PriusChat *needs* BlueJays. I for one am glad he is here.
Not sure which gen you have, but I'd disagree w/the "rock hard" comment about the ride. It's not that bad. If you want to feel a *HARSH* ride, try a 2003-2004 Nissan 350Z coupe [I hear it's softer for the 2004.5s (?) and beyond). I have one. It's the harshest riding car I've ever ridden in or driven. It's the price to pay for a sports car and handling. The Prius ride is almost a luxury car in comparison. On the other end, my 02 Maxima's ride is very soft and a bit floaty. I've also heard the Honda S2000, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo and the Lotus Elise [esp. the Elise] have very harsh rides. Car magazines complain about that ride on those, even though they don't on the 350Z. If you're ever in Northern California, I'd be happy to give you a ride in my Z to demonstrate.
My dad owns a 2002 Kia Rio. I've looked under it a few times to actually see if it has suspenison installed. It is very noisy too, but what do you expect from a car that costs $5,000 brand new?
This is exactly the kind of dumping and denial that I'm talking about--My posts are not arrogant, but this post sounds pretty hostile. I have my opinions and you have yours--you don't get to control that, if you don't like what I say don't respond. My Intentions or posts were never hostile or personally directed--until now--your a priuschat bully.
Hey, I hear ya bluejay. I've read most of your posts, and then re-read them later on. I'll vouch for you bing a straight up good guy without any hangups. After your very first rant about mpg, when people posted "ask questions" and "learn", that's what you did! While I may disagree with you on a thing here or there, I know that posting back and chatting it over with you would be perfectly enjoyable, sans-arrogance. I also agree that there is the enthusiast-gone-zealot trend, but that's everywhere. People will get the same way about laptop computers, nascar driivers and probably even margarine - it's just something we live with. I've got to chime in too on how great it is that the majority of posters around here are so civil. There's only one other place on the net I know where folks are so so cool - a mailing list that started off some 11 years ago about Mesa Boogie guitar amps - funny thing is that less than %10 of the threads have anything to do with the original company that inspired the list. In stark contrast is usenet's alt.guitar.amps, which is just a cesspool of name calling trolls engaging in pseudo political debate - picture franken versus oreilly, both on acid in a kiddie pool full of jello. Whoah, I'm grossing myself out now... Anyway, here's to PriusChat, and here's to keeping it a place of honest learning, sharing and all around good nature! Cheers! Dave
Wearing banana hammocks no less. Now that's a lovely picture. I bet the tabloids would pay big $$$ for that picture.
Thanks Dave--This is my first on-line chat group, so I guess I'm lucky if this is one of the friendlier ones out there. Also, I think you all should know, if it makes a difference that I am a woman. Dave, do play guitar? If so what kind? I am more of a songwriter with basic guitar skills. I have a custom Legend Ovation.
A WOMAN? Dammit, I knew it... I... wait... Nope, makes no difference. Women are entitled to opinions about cars just as much as men are. Yes, this is one of hte best groups out there. I've been on my fair shareof boards, and have stopped posting on most becuase of immaturity on an unprecedented level. Why a comment about soemthing like a car would result in name calling and insults I don't know, but that's what happened on most of them. Not worth the time. Fortunately, it is usually concerning cars that are often associated with younger males (Mustangs, Camaros, and any car that often gets the Ricer treatment; no offense to owner's of these cars, there are exceptions). The Prius has been spared this fate, for he most part. But if someone want's to put stickers and stuff all over their car, then more power to you. To each his own. Or her own.