I'm in upstate NY close to the Canadian border. Everything was covered in 2 feet of snow, and it was -17 degrees below zero outside. It wasn't particulary humid, I'd say--just too dang cold to tell. A humid day, to me, would be 96 degrees in the summer right after a rain storm. I don't call that weather on that day humid, but I'm not a weather person...having all that snow around may be considered humid; I just don't know. SOrry.
From what I've read, our new Pruises SHOULD have the newer manifold, etc. by now. HAsn't happen again, so far...but it's not been that cold again either. Another place I read said that it could happen when the HV and the ICE kick in the exact same time and it caused a "conflict"...??? I DO remember the ICE coming on almost immdediately when I pushed start and I wasn't suprised because it was SO cold out. I'll just hacve to wait and see if it happens again when it gets that cold.
I know the area well. I lived in Canton until college. My brother-in-law owns Cougler Feed Store in Heuvelton. My niece's husband flies for Cape Air. We know people in Morristown. So, where are you and where do you work?