Really confused now. You have one kit or more? The link image you provided(if similiar) shows ONE stainless steel container(also reference as a battery box) I am hoping you have ONE. Am I to assume you mean you have 2 thats TWO RFE HV 80AH Lifepo4 aka which you are calling battery box.?Did you install this unit/kit?For the year and half you state you have had the kit who long was in vehicle?
What is Sushp? I know that MD Tech is selling in Europe the V6. MD Tech aka Fountain Electrnc has webiste but must email sales for contact.
Thinking this is just a link from internet and not actual images of the Enginer you currently have to offer
Sorry for the confusion. Yes - there are two RFE HV batteries in the ONE kit I am selling. I bought the kit in April 2011 and installed it in June. It was used in my wife's 04 Prius. She doesn't drive daily, however and her normal commute was very short (2 miles), which meant the ICE barely got up to operating temperature where the enginer pack could operate effectively. It was inconvenient for her to plug it in as our garage faces an alley and she did not like to park it in there (easier to park on the street). I took it out in October 2012 when we went on a longer road trip.
By 'this' I assume you mean the pictures I took of my Enginer kit? Here's a picture of the kit with today's Fresno Bee and the BMS display unit that I said was also included. If you click on the 'full details' link on the right side of the page you will see the coordinates of the picture, which the house in Fresno where I live. Picasa Web Albums - Ken Friesen
Sushp is the name of a user in this forum who is selling the MD-Tech PHEV gear in Europe. He's website is Plug-in Hybrid Conversions - Plug-in Autos MD-Tech PHEV Conversion Kit | PriusChat I guess you can buy directly from MD-Tech in China but he does not accept Paypal, telegraphic transfer only. SushP should accept PayPal.
FYI A Enginer V6 does not have a stainless steel box container in which the 2 RFE 80ah can be placed. The V6 has more of a flat deck plate SS . The rest of the hardware you have is very similar to V6. The 2kw (1 RFE) , 4kw(2RFE),8kw(4RFE) kit.