Ok, my Prius is hurting. SO rear ended car. both driver and knee air bags deployed so thinking Prius might be totaled. Hard to say since its still relatively high value car but in case they do probably looking to lease something for a few years. What kind of prices are people getting? would like something around $200 a month
First off, OW! That looks terrible. Hurt? That type damage + airbags typically means a total. And, are you wanting $200 a month on a Prius? Or, did you mean some other model like Corolla or lower end Camry perhaps? If Prius, you'll need several thousand cap reduction. Same for the Prius c.
Dk. SO will be primary buyer and she says that is what she wants to pay. "C" she would do or maybe a corolla. What is lease on Prius starting at with say $2500 abouts down?
Got voice mail from collision shop yesterday. they are sending recommendation to insurance for total loss. they are $200 away from that and strongly suspect engine damage but cannot verify unless they pull the engine which will just run up the cost anyway. so should not be too much longer. As far as what option to get? SO is one who will be primary on this (first car since we have been together) since had been the plan before. my plans were to lease/purchase an EV when current LEAF lease runs out in jan 2014 possibly using Prius for equity. now that that is off the table, I need the cash to follow thru on future EV plans. Now SO is in much better paying job than she had before so its time for her to take on the debt. but getting her off the "buy only" mode is not easy since she is very math challenged. What she wants, she cannot afford to purchase but is within reach on leases. so we still very much up in the air here.
Dealers down here are selling Camry LE's for pretty cheap ($22k) Here is some lease deals they have. Doesn't show residual though. Camry LE $199+tax with $985 down for 36mo. Model 2532. 36k total miles. Tier 1+ Prius 2 same terms but $239/mo. Corolla LE $169 same everything else.
not interested in residual. purchase wont be an option. just looking for something to drive for a few years until the plug in market matures a bit more. Corolla sounds very doable.