Reviews the 2012 Tesla Model S - KickingTires Interesting about the "butt sensor" they mention. I what's the final word on that and whether the behavior's been changed/fixed now.
Sat in one at the Tesla store in the Short Hills mall. I was impressed, but the Model X with its AWD would be better in areas where it can snow versus the RWD Model X.
See the Consumer Reports Model S review ... the reviewer looks like a kid in a candy shop, salivating to get more seat time in a Model S.
I don't believe this has been an issue in the first place, at least as a general design issue. More likely an issue with that specific sensor in that specific car. I did hear of one other report, although I am to sure if that report and this one are regarding the same car? In 4500 miles of driving, my wife and I have never had this happen. I also have never heard of it happening with other Tesla owners I personally have spoken with. The reviewer most likely had an early or even pre-production test car. Also keep in mind the drive was sometime prior to mid October, yet they published the review just now?