I can officially cross "swimming in the ocean in January" off the bucket list... my brother-in-law and I did the local Penguin Plunge today to benefit the local homeless shelter... not sure of the water temperature but it was definitely a shock to the system to do a "full plunge" headfirst and then run back to do it once more. To just dunk in was not an option for me - I have waded in the water in winter before There were a lot of folks in the "Chicken Coop" watching - and as the countdown started I broken into a full run and did not stop... a spirited and fun mob mentality among the "Penguins." I don't think I will ever have another hot flash again...
After three cups of hot tea and a shot of brandy I am ready to go again... looks like the hot flashes were not put out just yet - and I have three new recruits to plunge next year... Just wish the local paper could have Photoshopped me a few pounds lighter... but I earned the joy on my face after the year from Hell... survived that and then, even an icy cold ocean could not wipe the smile from my face! 2013, bring it on! I am waiting...
You go OceanEyes! The Coney Island Polar Bear Club does the same thing in Coney Island around here and I give them and now you credit for even attempting it!
Oh, so not an attempt... this was full bore go at it as the countdown to "launch" started I was running to the waves, come on, icy cold ocean bring it on and underwater I went! Just wished the local paper "Photoshopped" the 20lbs the camera put on me! But still, they got me coming out of the water with a smile on my face, twice! Have more family members and friends supporting next year's Plunge! Life is a gift and tomorrow is never promised!
Prior to shot of brandy post Plunge with three cups of tea as a chaser... was not sure I would have a warm core temp until June otherwise. Post tea and shot... can I swim again?!
Bikini?! Hell no! Some things are best kept covered!!! I have a single photo of me on the cover of the local paper embracing the experience with joy. It was an awesome experience and we are going to do it again next year with a bigger team.
Paradox: The Coney Island Polar Bear club got the cover story in American Profile which is an insert in our local paper. I guess there are some health benefits to jump starting one's system like that. I liked reading the story. I raised the ante for some of the plungers at work - it is not a full plunge IMHO unless you dive in head first when you cannot run anymore. For me, just splashing was "wimping out."
In California we have die hard surfers in the water now but they wear winter wet suits to tolerate the 60 degrees cold water. I hear the water temperature is in the 30's in Rhode Island in January.That is so cold. You are a brave soul. That is one Bucket List I'd like to see.
Since there was ice on the Mystic River and we swam on the ocean side I believe the water was in the 30s without a wet suit. It was rejuvenating and a huge rush to plunge underwater. Twice.
Oh, let's see.... the things I want to do still: Lunch date today Find a reason to smile and laugh every day and make it contagious Getting my OTTB ready to do a beginner novice 3-day event in two years Crewing on a racing 12 metre sailboat (the contained power when you have a 30 ton 65' racing machine under full sail lashed to a 27 ft. tender and the big boat is dragging the tender and in a synchronized moment you release the big boat the release of power is amazing as the big boat roars off) - I have had the opportunity to be on charters as a ticketed passenger and helping on a tender. Certain captains "know me" so sometimes I get to drive... For me it was a religious experience... Having an opening at a local gallery of my artwork Getting published for a long work - my short stories have been published in magazines and books Earning $3,000 for the homeless shelter in next year's plunge Running in a 5K Things completed: Watching my youngest son completing the AMHR National Performance Hall of Fame designation on one of the miniature horses I trained... in three disciplines Making the AMHR National Top Ten All-Stars with the same miniature horse Achieving Delta Society certification on that same miniature horse Getting a documentary on Animal Planet with my sons and the same miniature horse (back in 2003) Taking that miniature horse into a mall (don't worry, she was invited and she refuses to "mess" in public) to work at a telethon to raise funds for the humane society in upstate NY - she raked in $8K in anonymous donations according to a former coworker of mine during one telethon - we have done this for three years and we were invited back again this year Being a finalist in an art contest that helped a camp for kids with cancer - after a college professor told me I wouldn't amount to anything... Now folks who see my work are overjoyed I picked up the watercolors again Moving back to the ocean Getting out of an abusive relationship Purchasing a Prius - the one I wanted There is probably stuff that will come up but I just haven't thought of it yet.
Lunch date canceled. Oh well... gives me more time to do the **** I need to get done before tomorrow.