Yep, center compartment lid slides forward... sometimes useful, sometimes not. And I finally did discover the "hidden" compartment inside the center compartment.
doesnt slide up nearly enough to use. i am short, therefore i have short arms. occasionally i can rest the tip of my elbow on it, if i slide my seat back far enough
Me too. My arm cant reach the arm rest so I slide it forward and put my bag on it if I have a passenger in the front seat.
I'll try the armrest thing this afternoon (I bought my C2 on Sunday). Where is the change compartment?
I think what others are referring to as the change compartment is that thin space next to or near the emergency brake. More suited, size and shape wise, to hold a pack of cigarettes... a little deep and awkward to be a good change holder. Trying to get coins out of that space, I have already lost a dime and a nickle into the emergency brake skirt. I think I'd rather use the spot beyond the drink holders, though then you have to lean forward to reach it. Bottom line, there really isn't a terribly convenient change holder in the C2 (at least not in my opinion).
In the C2, it is INSIDE the armrest storage compartment. At the very bottom, in the front, is a little finger-hole... stick yer finger in there and lift, the bottom comes out. Not so much a "secret" compartment as a maintenance area, I think, as there are "things" under there. I'd be careful about hiding objects in there for fear they would interfere with the mechanisms which are protected by that removable bottom.
I'm not a very good Sherlock Holmes! I know I had checked there (hey, it seemed hollow - perfect location!) but I apparently didn't figure out how to open it. Thank you
I've tried a number of things, so far it just doesn't gel for me as convenient for anything specific. The items you mentioned, if I had them, would be kept in the glove compartment or in the arm-rest compartment. Actually, I wouldn't keep a pen in the car at all, not in this heat, an automatic pencil maybe. ;-)
I love all the places in the C to store stuff, but I have not figured out a good place yet for change.
Amen, Bruce! And if you ever do find a good place, be sure to share with the rest of us! I like to keep change in the car for the many homeless I pass on my drive. I don't give to them all, but there are a select few I like to be able to give change to.
I ended up getting a change purse from five below and just keep it in the center console. I had it in the little pocket beside the parking brake but all the rattling was driving me crazy. Now no more rattles and I can still get to it easily. SGH-T989 ? 2
Actually, the slot behind the emergency brake is perfect and very convenient for a travel-size package of Kleenex. Cold and flu season is just around the corner...
I keep a tin of mints and my garage door opener there. And my sunglasses and tissues in the big area in front of the cup holders. So far I'm using one of the front cup holders for change since 99% of the time I'm by myself. I need to get a little coin purse tho...good idea. My old car was broken into once in a condo parking lot JUST for the change. Probably teens because it was clumsy and the got all the cars and took only the change. (dare? Initiation? Prank?)
Where is the coin compartment? I had been putting them on the dash next to what I've been using as a sunglass holder.
I'm not sure there is an "official" coin compartment. Some drivers use the space by the emergency brake, others the space on the dash beyond the steering wheel, and others use that difficult to reach space behind the cup holders.
Unofficially, the space under the seat between the seatbelt latch and the center console is a veritable change magnet.