More like cooling on the shelf, like mine! Originally mine was supposed to be "server" today or tomorrow - then last weekend that got pushed to the 21rst or 22nd, and today my dealer emailed me with the VIN ( ) but said that it'd be sometime Monday through Wednesdat ( ) drats! Anyone else picking up in this weekend in the Washington D.C. area? The dealer I'm working with is Alexandria Toyota, and I keep getting this anxious feeling like ALL kinds of other folks are happily driving away in new Prii while I'm anxiously waiting Dave
Yeah, but how fast would you have to drive on the secondlap to average 60 MPH? Riddle me that, Batman. Sorry, Prof. If you weren't in a thread a couple months ago, you might not get that reference. Congratulations on your new Prius. I hope you can sleep tonight. Though I'm sure you won't have a problem once someone pries that manual out of your hands. Remember, it IS acceptable to sleep in your Prius once in the first week; after that it's just creepy. Secondly, read as much as you can here on Priuschat; you will learn alot of very helpful information. Thirdly, understand that it's cold outside. No matter where you are (you're not from Australia, are you?) it's probably colder there than it is during the summer. Temperature directly affects your mileage and you will not see 60+ MPG right off the bat. It's ok. And most importantly, WELCOME TO PRIUSCHAT!!
My '06 is just outside my window cooking in the sun. Two weeks old and 392 miles. ProfGRG: Enjoy your Prius while its young. They grow up so fast!
Breastfeeding? Wait, nobody told me about that. What else have you veterans been holding out on? Diapers? I knew I was going to have to make an adjustment, but I thought my diaper changing days were over!
What and using gas?? Mine is somewhere close, delivery promised between 1/20 & 1/31. I already scheduled 2 days off 1/30 & 31. I'll take a train to the dealer & they'll pick me up so I don't have to have anyone drive me there (It's about 90 miles each way.) I am going to have them mount the mud flaps, Chassis stiffener, and if it comes in time, the Engine Block Heater. I think I'll try & get this done gratis B) since they don't offer any of those other deals (like free oil changes for a year, etc etc). I wonder if they'll do it as good will?
We did so, the next day. I'm located in west central Ohio and we drove it (the new child) to Ft. Wayne, IN. While sitting in a Culver's Frozen Custard shop parking lot, a driver in a Lexus pulled up beside us to ask how we liked it and how many miles were we getting in it (48 MPG). I'm also getting my exercise parking a LOOOONG way away from other cars.