I just purchased a 2002 Prius at an auction. The car allegedly ran when they listed it.By the time the auction was over, and I paid for it etc. weeks had gone by and the 12 v battery was at 6 volts. Still started...I think, very quiet, except for the major clanking that I think may have been the parking paule(sp) engaging. It ran for a few seconds before dying. It had only one DTC, P3009. I have repaired the battery, (one cell was a burned open condition, and cleaned all the contacts) and now it has no DTC's, but won't start. The 12 V battery shows 12.7V at rest, and the main cells show a min of 7.2 up to 8.5v individually. It's probably something simple to one who is experienced in the Prius, but it is eluding me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The idiot lights on the dash are showing trouble, the red triangle is lit, the main is lit, and the ready light will not come on. Thanks!
Start by disconnecting the 12v battery for a minute and then reconnect it. also the key, make sure when you put the key in and turn it on that the little red led security light next to the tape player goes out. also. check your 12v battery and make sure that the battery is holding steady and does not go below 11.5 v when you turn it on, having that battery go to 6v could of done it in and it sits at 12.7 but when applying a load, it kills it and it cant energize the main battery relay. thats another thing. take your seat back out and look at the two orange wires coming out of the main battery pack, put your meter on the terminals after removing the little protective shield there while using gloves and turn the car on, high voltage 200+ volts should be present, if not. check your main battery relay, maybe a wire came loose or the relay could be bad and can be found used online. talk to Bob Wilson and Patrick Wong, they know the prius well.
Here is the update... I charged up the existing 12v battery, it showed 11.9 to 12. It would not start. I continued charging utill 12.7v. and it started and ran!! I cleared all the stored DTC's and they all cleared. I will replace the battery, and put a solar trickle charger on it to make it last longer. Thank you very much! Your input helped me a lot. Thanks!!!!!!! Woody
Very nice!!! Glad I could help. if you put the new battery in and it still acts up, it could be that hv battery relay. if you dont mind me asking, how much did you get the car for? how many miles? You may want to do this while you have the car also. Preventive maintenance is key. I run 10w 30 full synthetic in mine. also change the trans fluid and pan. there are write ups on this. and this below: the throttle body cleaning.
How is the car coming along? Oh invest in a scanguage for it as that will allow you to monitor the battery. I have one on the way.
Waiting for my appointment with Calif... DMV, then insurance. Probably be next week before I can drive it anywhere. I have driven it up and down the block, just so it doesn't lose charge much, but it's running low on gas...
that could cause your no start issue. usually the last bar blinks. just get about 3 gallons in a can and throw that in there. that should put a reading on the gauge. oh and by the way if you read up on the gas gauge on these cars, they are called a guess gauge because of the fuel bladder. It has a gas tank but inside the tank is an expandable bladder for the gas to go into.
Here is the latest... Got it registered and insured, filled it with gas, and drove it last night, and this morning to work. An amazing car. over 55 mpg on the highway, unbelievable! This is on a car with 208k miles!!??!!and an unbalanced battery. WOW. On the way to the freeway, city driving, the cars engine rev's quite high, and charges nothing??This occurred at about 9 minutes into the drive, and continued until the car is turned off, then returns to normal. The only DTC's are P3006, and P3012. P3006 was the original DTC not P3009 as I has mistakenly remembered in prior post. Any thoughts on what this is??
PS P3012 is the #2 position for the battery bank, which I replaced only one cell, so this is legit, and so is the P3006 as it would be co-generated.
One other issue I forgot to mention, when I put it in reverse, the ring around the "R" blinks, and it barely moves SOMETIMES, not always??
if the battery is unbalanced, its not able to put out the power to the electric motor or sustain it so the engine has to rev to keep power to the wheels. Looking at the energy screen on your dash, where is the battery indicator at most of the time while driving. mine stays at 3/4 almost all the time.
hmmm. I would say that you have to balance the battery. Guys is there a procedure where could he force charge the battery,drain it, then force charge it again to try to balance it?
I have ordered four battery cells. When they come in I will proceed to attempt to balance the battery as described by "oldnoah" in thread "HV battery balancing | PriusChat" dischargeing first. I do not have a "superbrain" to indicate the SOC. Any suggestions would be appreciated. My intent is to only "balance" the cells that measure low relative to the other cells. (The higher measured voltages are newer, and cleaner cells, all together in the pack) The cells in my pack measure from 7.2 to 8.5. I am thinking that those below 7.8 would benefit from a more complete discharge, and slight overcharge, say maybe to 10 V. No extremes, not willing to take on that risk without proper tools. I can only charge "all in parallel" due to lack of a high voltage charger.
Hi Woody, you can charge two cells of similar charge state still in series with a 12v charger running at 15VDC or thereabouts (just needs to be little over the 14.4 normal voltage of 2 cells in series). Of course you will have removed the safety plug to break the connection between the two 1/2's of the ~ 276 volt package. Or you could charge ones singly which you determine to be weak with a hobby charger designed for Radio controlled cars and planes. I have a charger for which I paid around $20 from one of the mail order hobby places, it'll do 2 cells at a time and you can choose Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, or Li-Po at the press of a button so it's pretty versatile for any little batteries. it charges at a max of 1 amp so the 6ah cells would theoretically take 6 hours at 1 amp; 18 hours at 1/3 amp being much better if you have time. Time's the key word with 38 of the little boogers. I would pick the low ones only and let the rest be, without a special charger like the dealers presumably have, the car's own charging system is pretty good. I had the same idea to save the old battery, but after finding 6 of 8 charged and tested to be bad, realized the $2299 quoted by Toyota dealer to be lesser of several evils, now have I have a new, not rebuilt battery hopefully good for 10 years like the first one was. I just asked myself, would I buy a used, 5 year old laptop battery, tested, charged, and advertised to be 67% of new condition for 30% off new price? the answer was easy- never. I'm a new Prius owner as well, master auto tech before I retired 13 years ago from 'wrenching'. Never even touched a hybrid before this one. Learned a lot so far from my new-to-me 2001 Prius- new HV battery first week (but I knew before buying it), fixed a few more things and love this car. I fell for the "look the buttons and screen are already there" trap and already added "factory" NAV to it... couldn't be without another computer in this car that has so many I guess Good luck, Rick