So, over the weekend, momma took her new C2 (Sissy) to one of those drive-thru car washes at the gas station. She swears the windows were all rolled up and the doors firmly closed... however, after the car wash the interior was soaking wet, both sides. Not sure what to make of that, advised her to stop by her dealership and have them check her seals. Entu has not been through a car wash, but has been through plenty of rain and I have not seen any leakage.
Sounds like door seals to me. Also have the window seals checked. If they are loose the water can seep in that way as well.
I intentional aim my waterhose at the door gaps to clean out the rockers sills and door jambs of road dust. But I've never had water actually penetrate door gaskets and into the interior. Same with the rear hatch.
Ditto. Mine gets taken to self-serve car washes where I use the high power hose (but never the "foam brush" - a broom with suds coming out of it) all over the entire vehicle and I've never had water go in.
Momma, who is nearly 80, takes her car through a gas station auto-wash about once a week... so she definitely needs to get this looked into as soon as possible.
You should go to the car wash with her once, make sure the windows and doors are closed tight and see what happens.
Unfortunately, our schedules don't mesh in a way that would allow me to go with her to the car wash. Besides, she did not have this problem on her Rav, or her Corolla, or her PT Cruiser. She should probably go through another wash just to see if it happens again. If it does, then it's likely an issue with door and/or window seals; if it doesn't, then it's likely she didn't have the car properly closed up last time.
Most likely a door ajar or windows not checked. Maybe you can trade cars or make a special half-hour trip. Moms are awesome (most of the time.)
I have had the moonroof seal drip with the high pressure brushless car wash but never a door or window seal.
Mistake # 1: going through an automatic car wash in the first place. Recycled, dirty water, harsh solvents, hot water stripping all the moisture out of your clear coat... I think the car leaked on purpose just to send you a message to quit trashing its finish.
I, personally, have never taken any of my cars through those automatic washers. An 80-year-old woman, on the other hand, can hardly be expected to wash her own car in 40 degree or 114 degree weather. I have advised her against it and recommended one of those places that does a hand wash for you, but she likes to get her "deals" at the gas station where she fills up.
A point I completely understand, which is why my remark was tongue-in-cheek. My Mother is the same age. I wash her car and wax it because I can't bear the thought of it going through an automatic wash.
Sorry, Chris, that I did not see the tongue-in-cheek aspect. That being said, even I don't care for doing my own washing in the type of weather we have here. I either just let the car be dirty, or wait until I can afford one of those hand wash deals. I am currently holding a coupon for an interior and exterior detailing... loathe to use it during winter as I'm sure it will rain the very next day after I spend money for the wash!
The worst it ever was: My Wife's 2009 Jetta was black, my 2009 Civic Si was black, and my Mother's 2010 Insight was black... I washed myself stupid. I'll never own another black car. I thought I'd be cute and take the Jetta through the Boomerang automatic car wash, got it out and dried off and it had scratches all over it. 2 minute wash = a six hour ordeal to get the scratches out and re wax the car. Ugh! And black cars show every, single, stinking blemish too.