They'll still need some gasoline for their marine engines (including outboards), but it'll be interesting to see how far they can get with this idea.
Kudos to Iceland for their efforts. However, it cannot be ignored that what they are doing for their country is about the same as removing a thimble full of oil from our own country. Their small population and unlimited geothermal energy sources make dealing with the losses moot - something that is not yet possible for the mass scale implimentation within the U.S.
Hoax. This description is beyond unbelievable, it's absurd. How does this "electric engine" work again? How do they carry the hydrogen fuel in their vehicles? Hydrogen costs only three times as much as gasoline, but carries you three times further? Is it April 1 already?
They haven't said anything off the wall. They're obviously using geothermal heat to produce electricity to then eletrolyze water to create hydrogen. Then, they'll probably compress it in carbon fibre storage tanks and drive. It can be done now. It a'int cheap but it's very doable. I would think that Iceland would be better off with EVs than FCVs simply because it's more efficient and the island is pretty small so it seems that EVs would be ideal there. And WAY cheaper (at least now) than FCVs.
Well, is there a problem with the lower temps there and full on EVs? They may have to burn H to get performance with their average temps (I know they are warmer than Greenland, but I think their average temps are around 55F).
I would think that this is do-able for them, convert all the mv's to run on gaseous fuels. Impco and others make regulators and mixers for gaseous fuels, ie: propane, NG, sour gas, and I'm sure hydrogen in a gaseous form. They have what north America hasn't cheap and abundant electricity and they have no oil reserves. What as a government would you do to keep the country's wealth in the country? Sell electricity, sorry not an option. Keep buying oil and send your country's wealth to Briton who supplies most of their oil. I saw a television show on just this very thing about10 months ago. Shell is already a big player there in the developement of the infrastructure so there must be some thing to it if one of the big oil companies wants a piece of the pie.
Yeah, they could to Hydrogen ICEs. FCVs suffer from the same low temp issue. The technology is improving upon that however. I don't know what the low end of EV operation is. Right now Honda's FCV will get down to -20C (-4F). Not spectacular but an improvement.