not really, I figure I was causing to much backlash on PC advertising 200+mpg instead of MPGe. best testimony is $1.76/100 miles for fueling, gas and electric.
that's usbseawolf2000's job....I'm sure he will chime in here in a second and make claims about electric is bad for ghg emssions and that you can't buy renewable energy.
I test drove one in my quest for my PIP. It does have some really good pick up, and all being silent. When you floor the PIP it will kick into the ICE unlink the Leaf...since it doesn't have a ICE. But, I needed the option on doing long drives with out charges. So, PIP it was.
using your signature numbers it looks like you are getting about 80 MPGe 2211 total miles / 18 gallons + 9.7 gallons equivalent = 79.89 If you put your kWh into fuelly as partial fillups it will calculate your MPGe for you.
same for me, only $4 though ($25/6 months). I still wanted to track the kWh used to show the full picture.
too late foe me to get an accurate picture because I haven't kept any of my KWH readings from the beginning cept for the EV Driving ratio, that's from day 1
just use that. take a look at my fuelly fillups as an example. I just put in the monthly kWh totals, not every individual charge up. if you using the in-car kWh you might need to upconvert to get "at the wall" kWh, like the EPA uses for MPGe.
duh....yeah, I'm a little slo on the uptake, that's 326 KWH divided by 33.4 KWH per gallon =9.76 gallons equivalent. interesting the equivalent is 27.76 gallons and the fuel saved is 27.3 gallons
hmmmmm, get calculatah out 1404 miles EV divided by 9.7 gallons and violah! 144.74 MPGe. I'm getting smarter n smarter, thank's John!
check out my new signature since it's the first fill up there's no data yet. John, how do I fix this?