Saw Best Buy had a Kicker Hideaway in stock at one of there stores here and wanted to see if it would fit under one of the front seats. Since I'm looking for a sub to put in the car but don't want to loose any cargo space, mount it to the back seat or remove the spare. Best Buy took the one they had on display and attempted to see if it would fit under the driver seat, which it didn't. Tried the passenger seat which had a little more room and still would not fit. So not I have to try a different powered sub-woofer brand to see if there is one slightly smaller that will fit under one of the seats. Any one have any luck with these powered subs or have any suggestions I would appreciate it? I'm not looking for anything that will "wake the neighborhood", just find something comparable to the JBL system that was in my 09 Tacoma. Something that will fill the gap that the stock speakers lack in the low end.
Focal makes an IBus20 and IBus21. They are more expensive, but smaller than the Kicker, and the ibus21 has 2 additional amplified channels for other speakers.
Took a look at those Focal's and the bus 25 which have enough power for what I need, but all the powered subs I looked at seem to be to wide (over 9"+) and for a sub to fit under the passenger seat between the seat bolts it would have to be 9" or less. Length is about 16" and height is about 5". So far the Kenwood KSC-SW10 seem to be the best fit @ 8 7/8". Having the car looked at tomorrow to see if they can come up with something.
I see. In the PiP there is a bump under the seat, and a vent. From the vent to the bump is just under 9" I think, and to fit the sub I was going to have to make a small rack to make the lower dip equal to the rest of the floor. You can kind of see what I am talking about in this pic. Would a little rack make for more room in the C as well? I ended up going with a 5 channel amp and sealed 10" sub because I got a good deal. Its definitely WAY more bass than I needed, and I think the underseat sub would have been just about right.
That does look similar to how the c is. Here's a few pics of what under my passenger seat looks like.
I ended up going with the Kicker Hideaway. I had it fitting under the passenger seat but was such a tight fit that when the seat was slide all the way back the seat would start scraping the top of the Hideaway. So I just ended up putting in in the back. If I ever need to remove it, there is one cable and one connector that unplugs for easy removal. The sound of the Hideaway is perfect for what I wanted. It fills the low end where the factory speakers lack and it does sound better than my old Tacoma's factory sound with the JBL.