Well, I have absolutely ZERO interest in keeping track of my mileage any more than what the computer will tell me. Excel spreadsheets are for those with nothing better to do than obsess over the last decimal place with gas. Same with fill up techniques. Onceit clicks, I just squeeze it up to the next whole dollar value, same as for every car I've ever owned. From the poll here on PC it seems the computer is usually within 1 mpg, which is accurate enough for me. So between yesterday and today I have driven about 220 miles at an average of 51.8 mpg. This is better than my previous average of around 45 mpg. I slowed my average speed from around 75-80 to about 65-70. Not bad for only a 10 mph decrease in speed. Also, this average mpg is from around 95% highway driving, NOT city driving. So according to this, I'm at or slightly above the EPA average. I'm quite impressed.
Ditto! I occ. might verify the computer during a trip but overall I am happy with the long wait between fill-ups. Did get 52 on the trip to Solvang from SD this weekend, best yet!!
So when I filled this tank up, I had 460 miles at 51.8 mpg. Not bad considering I really don;t do much special in the way of driving. Also, I've found that the criuse control uses more fuel than I do.
I did 51 my second tank (filled it up today). Car said 44.0 avg. Math said 51. Maybe THAT is what those people are complaining about. They are looking at the car average instead of figuring it out themselves. Maybe they WOULD be getting 50+ if they did the math themselves.
What I think happened is that becuase of hte bladder in the tank, it was not filled up as high as you filled it this time. Instead of full capacity, it started at maybe 80-85% last time. This time when you filled it up, you wnet up to, say, 95% capacity. It may still show up as full though, as the gas guage is also very "inaccurate." With the Prius tank, it's very difficult to fill it up to the same level every time becuase of the bladder. Temperature affects the elasticity somewhat, and can prevent it from stretching as far. I wouldn't be too concerned about hte discrepancy. The vapr control system just makes it more difficult to be consistent. From what others have said, it seems that the computer is pretty much +/- 1 mpg on it's calculations most of hte time. That's good enough for me. At 50 mpg, that's a 2% error, good enough.
For filling tips, use the search. There have been MANY topics covering this. Many people have come up with all sorts of theories about proper fill up. I just go up to the next whole dollar once it clicks. No, I'm not a vet, that's just my dog (one of them anyway). I'm actually a confused person who went to medical school, decided I didn't want to be a doctor, and then decided to go to law school instead... :blink:
B) Interesting. I, too am an animal lover. We have 3 cats- ( 2 wild adoptees & 1 Himilayan female- "My little girl".) Today we put about 160 miles on a trip. We had the A/C on as it was 80 & humid. We cruised at 71 MPH most of the trip. Our 2006 has 650 miles now. Tomorrow we will go & fill her up. I will try the med. speed-stop @ the first shut off click & see how it matches the computer. I am planning to change out the oil @ 5K to full syn. I wonder- do you know anyone who bought a leather wrap for their steering wheel? I was looking on the Prius Acc. shop. They show a sharp Red/Black wrap. I want to see a picture of a Burgundy?Black wrap, but there does not seem to be a way to put up another picture on that page. Do you know how to bring up other pictures? BTW, Very handsome dog. B)
I've got 3000 miles on my 2006 already. I've had it exactly one month as of yesterday. My first two tanks were in the 45 mpg range, and they've slowly come up to the 51-52 mpg range now. My lies also include two trips to Miami, at an avareage speed of around 80-82 mph. On these trips I got only about 45 mpg, but this is still far superior to anything else out there.
Did you actually get 42.8 MPG like the computer said? I sure didn't. [snapback]191083[/snapback][/quote] Performed my first fill up Friday. 1 bar left. MFD showed 45.0 mpg and I calculated 44.1 mpg. I could only get 8.32 gallons in the tank after 3 clicks of the dispenser. My average was 54.1 mpg after my 26 mile drive home but I am at 48.1 after 90 miles of highway driving yesterday. The car makes city driving a blast.