Short story: About to drive to work this morning and noticed my passenger side rear view mirror got ripped off with two wires hanging there! The base is still there but the whole mirror and the shell is gone. Called two dealers, one close to work, one close to home. Dealer 1 quoted parts $300, labor $90, takes a week to order. Dealer 2 quoted parts $260, labor $120 takes two business days to order. I am thinking ordering part from dealer two and install it at dealer 1. Couldn't find the part on ebay. You guys think that's a reasonable price? Long story: I used to commute from Brooklyn to LI with hour and half to two hr drive depending on traffic. I find a cheap place closer to work at Massapequa Park with a 30 min commute. I moved in last weekend. Since there are too many cars parked at the side of the house (that house has 4 cars), I had to park my car on the opposite side of the street so I won't block the driveway. But there are no houses on the opposite side but only grass and trees. Usually my car is the only car parked on the other side. Been parking there since Sunday and this morning I find out the passenger side rear view mirror got ripped off, that's also the side facing the grass and trees. I did look around and see if they just do it for fun and left anything on the floor but no luck. I would expect this kind of stuff to happen in Brooklyn. I've been parking in Brooklyn for 6 months and I just parked in LI for one week and this happened! I will talk to the landlord and see if I can park on the side of the house... This morning's drive to work was so unpleasant and a bit dangerous without that mirror. :angry:
Anybody know the part number to the shell and mirror? It's for 05 silver, passenger side. Wanna do some search online for the parts. TIA!
hmm, if you wanna wait till tomorrow i can get DH to ask, he won't be home till late tonight and has to go in to pick up his paycheck tomorrow anyway.
Galaxee, thanks for trying to help. But I already ordered it and will have it install tomorrow morning. It's too dangerous to drive without that mirror and I would like to get it install ASAP. It'll be around $400.
always willing to help ouch, that sucks that it costs so much i couldn't live withuot my side mirror either. good luck.
I guess we all used to live dangerously. None of my cars had passenger side mirrors until about 1995. Sorry to hear yours got ripped off though. Not nice.
Small world. I actually live in that town. I suppose what happened is that a car going down the block hit it. Extremely unlikely someone stole it. If it was in Brooklyn, then I'd say yes.
You live in Massapequa Park too? Maybe we should form a club or something. But after my Prius is fixed first. Don't wanna show up with two wires hanging out. I don't think a car hit it, since that side is facing the side walk.
Unless ScottY parked facing the wrong way, it had to be someone on the curb side. Therefore I can come up with 2 options: Somone broke it off on purpose Some kids were goofing around and one accidentally got slammed into the mirror so hard it broke off Given that the mirrors fold, I sort of doubt the second one. I suppose one could lessen the possibility of this sort of thing happening by folding the mirrors every time they park. A PITA since the thing we love best about our Prii is the small number of things we have to do to get going - either in the car or after we park.
Nah... $500 deductible. Tried to save money on insurance you know... I'll consider a lower deducitble on my next policy...
Too bad it happened. I had a side mirror stolen too, but it was a regular mirror from a 1967 Mercedes I used to own. Mine was easy to fix, I'm sorry you'll have more trouble than I did. My wife accidently broke her side mirror on her Windstar, which cost $400, IIRC. I wanted to simply glue a new mirror (the only part that was broken was the mirror itself), but she wanted a new one. BTW, was it a clean removal? I mean, you don't have to replace the mounting area.
Looks clean. The base (mounting area) and two wires are still there. Just the mirror and the housing is gone.
By taking the higher deductable it lowers the premium. Most claims are for small stuff, so the insurance co. skates away from 'em.
Update Got the mirror installed and working. My poor baby looks like new now. I've talk to the landlord and we'll arrange for parking on the side of the house. So hopefully, this won't happen again. Just glade that I got it fix the next day. Cost a bit less than $400. Ouch!
Mine used to be $1,000. Now it's either $250 or $500...doh! I'll have to double check my policy to find out for sure.