I've heard of the batteries going dead after leaving the Prius sitting for too long of a time. I'm planning a two week trip soon and was wondering what I should do to keep the battery from completely draining while I'm away. Is there a way to remove cables or something? Does anyone know? Or has anyone had this experience?
Two weeks is just at the boundary where you might want to consider deactivating the SKS, if you have this option (by pushing the button right under the steering wheel). Other than that just make sure you don't leave any of the lights on, and you should be fine.
I left my Prius for one month and 10 days. I deactivated the SKS and had no problem at all. The HV battery had as many bars as it had when I left. You'll be alright. Abraham
Just let mine sit for 3 weeks while I was down in FL. Came back, started right up like the day before I left it. You'll be all right.
My friend is going to be disappointed. I told her she could use the car when I go to Italy in September!! Oh well, I 'll probably leave the keys anyway!
Thanks for the advice and assurance. I was concerned about having to get a tow-truck to jump my Prius when getting back from my trip. I shut the SKS off this morning. Funny, though. I attempted to unlock the door and start the car without using the key fob several times today. Force of habit. It's amazing how reliant I've become to SKS. I damn almost pulled my shoulder trying to open the locked door! Ha ha!
Hi T.O.M., I own the "Prius on Vacation" service, and the good news is it's free. Just drop it off at my location in Maine and I'll drive it for you every day to keep things running A1. When you come off vacation, just pick it up here and you're on your way with a Prius that you know has been run to keep the systems "up". Hey, I'm all about helping people. Don't forget to fill it before dropping it off, OK?
I'd have to take a vacation just to drive my Prius to your place in Maine (from California). ha, ha. Good try.
I know lots of folks here in San Diego that would drive it for fun, maybe too much fun!! Sounds like SKS off is the way to go. Have a great trip!!
And to minimise drain on the 12V, leave the headlight in the OFF position, ditto the vanity, dome and cargo lights.
I'm back from my two week vacation in Central Mexico! I had a great time. Came home, unlocked my Prius, and found the battery charged at the level I left it two week prior. Thanks everyone for recommending that I shut off the SKS.
The bars will always read the same after a shutdown since the HV battery computer has been off and doesn't know the battery has self discharged while it was shutdown. It takes about 15 minutes of driving for the computer to measure any SOC change that happened while it was shutdown (this was discovered by the Prius+ people who charged the HV batt while shutdown). In any case, the HV battery discharges very slowly. I left my 2005 parked during a trip recently and the HV battery voltage dropped from 224 volts (67.5% SOC) to 220 volts, losing only 4 volts in the 16 days it was left sitting (in 50-60F temps). The auxiliary 12v battery should be fine (unless it is defective) for a few weeks also. As others have said: turn off SKS and turn off headlights for maximum battery life while in storage. If you're going to leave a Prius for more than 2-3 weeks, I would try to make sure the HV battery is charged up to the point where you have green bars on the MFD. You can always get the 12v aux battery jumped but if the HV battery gets too low you won't be able to start the engine and won't be able to recharge it (except with a special charger the dealer will have to order).
Smart Key System. It's the thing that's included on most packages (above the very base model) that allows you to keep the Key FOB (little remote thing) in your pocket, but still unlock/lock the doors and start the car. Sounds like just a minor convenience, but most everyone who has it thinks that they would never buy a car without it again. I agree.