Hey everyone. As many of you know, the base speaker system is just "OK" and the rear speakers are useless. With as much time as I spend in my v and my love of music, I had to replace the speakers and thought I would share what I had done for those interested. I had no desire to replace the head unit so just upgraded the speaker system. Upgrade was done in two phases (cost was too hard to stomach all at once). Apologize in advance for the length of the post. You can always stop reading. First phase: Replace front and rear speakers and add an amplifier. Note: If you are adding an amplifier, you also need to have a line output converter to integrate with the head unit. The following is what I had installed: German Maestro CC6808 (6x8s to replace fronts) German Maestro CC6508 (6.5s to replace rears) Image Dynamics i4500 4 channel amplifier AudioContol LC6i line output converter Stinger Roadkill sound dampening Install notes: Amp installed under front passenger seat. Make sure amp is installed with amp controls facing the passenger door so you can easily access for adjustment. In hind sight, it might have been better to go with a 5 channel amp vice 4 so I could have used the extra channel for the eventual sub-woofer and avoid adding another amp for the sub-woofer. AudioControl unit installed behind glove box area for easy access. Dash speakers kept stock. Could have replaced with component speakers but decided to leave originals in. Stinger Roadkill just around speaker wells. Could install in whole door but I think it would add too much weight and thus lower MPG in my opinion. Results of first phase: Excellent. Highs and mids so much crisper and not muddled. Definite improvement in nice clean bass. Usually run the bass level maybe two clicks above mid-level. I can now actually hear the rear speakers! With the amp providing more clean power to the speakers, even at high volume the speakers sound fantastic with no distortion. Integration with head unit was seamless. While the results will probably satisfy most folks, as an audiophile I knew I also needed to eventually add a sub-woofer. Phase two: Add sub-woofer and amplifier to rear of vehicle. Solution had to be small and non-intrusive and I had to be able to remove the sub-woofer easily if needed and with minimal unplugging of wires. Going in I knew an 8inch sub would be plenty to satisfy my needs. Three options I considered but ended up going with the third option: Bazooka type base tube. Some of these come with built in amplifiers. I think quality of sub-woofer is questionable as well. I would rather choose a higher end brand. (for some the built in amp is an advantage but you're stuck with what ever is part of the tube and you will have more wires and plugs to disconnect when you remove because of built in amp. Round tube shape of bazookas means you have to strap it down for stability ) I did not choose this option. Sealed box enclosure: No built in amp like bazooka so you will have to buy an amp for this option. With an external amp, you have the advantage of choosing the amp you want. This option definitely fits the bill for small size. Only two wires to disconnect when you want to remove. Sealed enclosures offer nice tight bass. Ported enclosure: Similar to sealed but ported specially designed "venting" to let the air escape and give you louder more "filling" bass. Tend to be larger than sealed enclosures. With the bazooka option out, I was fortunate enough to have the installer hook up both the sealed and ported enclosures so I could compare. While the bass from the sealed was excellent, when we switched it to the ported enclosure I had an "Oh my god" moment as not only did it have excellent bass but I could physically feel the sound wrap around me. Decision made. Here is what I installed including pictures: Alpine SBR-S83V (8 inch ported enclosure) PowerBass ASA300.2 amplifier PAC LC1 remote amp level controller (this is a must to allow you to control the level of bass based on the song/music you are listening to) Install notes: Amp installed under the drivers seat. Remote amp level controller installed next to interior light control. Makes for easy access. Speaker enclosure heavy and stable enough that it doesnt need and tie downs to keep it in place. Results: Fantastic! I am now not just listening to my music but I can now "experience" it. I often find myself coming up with an excuse to drive the v just so I can listen to the sound system. Bass level from head unit now set to mid level or below since I can now control sub separately. Only drawback is trying to see out of a very shaky rear view mirror. Sub allows the front and rear speakers to focus on the highs/mids without worrying about bass. Many will think its overkill but to each his own. I tried to attach pictures of how the sub-woofer looks in the back but seems server was having issues. Will try to post pics another time. Let me know if you find the write-up useful. Randy ** Updated with pictures**
About $1800 total which is why I did it in two increments about two months apart. I know some will think I am nuts but cost/value is all relative. You could do it for cheaper and still get a nice improvement over the stock system.
I bet it sounds brilliant and you will enjoy that. What configuration would you recommend with a $600 budget?
At that price range you are looking at probably just replacing front and rear speakers plus install cost. You would get some improvement. Kind of like the difference in replacing the cheap earbuds that come with an iPod with better ones. You could start with that and see if you are satisfied with the results. But personally I think you need to add an amplifier to get more clean power to the speakers since the head unit doesnt even seem to be able to power the rear speakers well. Unfortunately adding and amp means you also have to add an audio control unit to integrate with the head unit and the additional install costs that come with adding both. You would be looking at an additional $500-600 to do this but this results in a huge difference in sound quality.
I am in San Diego so I got the speakers and install done from a shop called Streetnoyz. I was always a fan of MB Quart speakers back in the day and German Maestro speakers are from the guys who originally built MB Quart before they were bought by another company. Doesnt help you much with you in NJ though.
I was just curious. I'm very familiar with the brand. I'm not in the market for speakers as I work for another electronics company I know German Maestro, specifically Ray Windsor, are adamant about NO ONLINE SALES so I was curious if you purchased them online or from a brick and mortar store. More importantly - how do you like them?!?!
So far I really like them. The only problem I have is listening to my music way too loud just because I can. Yes, it was a brick and mortar store.
I just finished upgrading my sound system: 1) Kicker 6x8 in front (~$50) 2) Kicker 6.5 in rear (~$70) 3) Boss 1800 watt, 5 channel amp ($140) I did not need a "line-output converter"; it comes integrated with the amp. The amp (large!) was installed in the rear compartment next to the battery. It took a little fiddling to get the settings correct on the amp. Before: Muddy sound, rear speakers essentially inaudible, little bass, volume near max at highway speeds. Very frustrating. After: Clear/clean highs. Lots of bass (I may put a subwoofer on the available 5th channel). Only need volume at 15-25 (max ~55). (Occasional buzz when turned way up with very bass-y music, not a serious problem; only occurred when playing much louder than I would normally listen). Needed shielded, twisted pair cable to eliminate electrical noise (I used CAT5E cable using two of the 6 leads. The other four were grounded). I don't NEED a subwoofer, but the incremental cost is minimal, should fit next to the amp without taking up cargo space and the built-in crossover will shift some of the bass to the sub-woofer, preventing the buzz on heavy bass tracks. Even my wife said "Wow, it really does sound nice"
Tangative, can you post a picture of where you mounted the amp? This is exactly the type of upgrade that I am looking to do. Also, did you do all of the work yourself?
Congrats. Sounds like you found a setup that suits your needs and at a good bargain price. That Boss amp you chose is pretty huge. You will want the sub woofer. It makes a world of difference.
Just got my Prius V Two yesterday and I'm ready to start adding some audio equipment to it. I already have a JL 10" subwoofer and amp that I'm planning on starting with, then replacing the rest of the speakers a little later. I've ordered the AudioControl LC6i so that I can keep the same head unit and get the line level outputs. I'm thinking I'll need to disconnect the rear speakers for now so that I can use their output from the HU to go to the LC6i and then to the amp for the subwoofer. Will this work? Are the rear outputs from the HU full range outputs or is the HU doing some kind of crossover?
I would get the LC1 as well so you can control the sub output separately. While you can still control the level via the OEM unit, its much better being able to leave your main settings where you like them and adjust the sub depending on the type of music and song your are listening to. Adjusting the bass level via the head unit will not only adjust your sub level but your other speakers as well. My typical setting on the head unit is leaving the bass on its mid level at most, then adjusting via the LC1. Trust me, you will thank me later for this recommendation. You can connect directly to the LC6i without having to disconnect the rears. Your JL10 will be plenty as an 8" easily gives you plenty of bass. What type of enclosure are you using for the sub? If you intend on having the ability to pull the sub out when you need the space, make sure they wire it so you only need to pull the two connecting wires out.
I actually did order the AudioControl ACR-1 for bass level control. I definitely want to be able to turn up the subwoofer without turning up the bass on the rest of the speakers. I'm using JL's ProWedge box CLS110RG-W7. It's overboard and overpriced but at least it's already paid for... I guess the reason I thought I'd need to disconnect the rears is because I'm doing this in reverse from the way you did it. I don't have an amp yet for any speakers other than the subwoofer. However, the input to the LC6i comes from the existing speaker output on the head unit, correct? I'd imagine there are 3 pairs of wires -- dash, front doors, and rear doors. To get the sub going I've got to take one of those pairs and hook it up to the LC6i, but without an extra amp I don't think I can return audio to those speakers. Are you having to use the summing function of the LC6i?
I guess you meant having the volume control for the subwoofer amplifier and not the LC6i itself. Guess that would make more sense, I'll have to see if I can get one for my amp.
Thanks to Randy for his detailed description of his audio system upgrade for the Prius V wagon. It started me on a path to what is now an amazing system in my own Prius V. The basics: Here is the equipment now installed in my 2012 Prius V: --Rockford Fosgate T600-4 (600w 4 chan. amp, installed under front passenger seat) $399.95 Sonic Electronics --Audio Control LC6i Line Output Converter (inst. under the floor forward of front passenger seat) $117.99 Buy.com --2 Focal P165V30 6.5" 2 way speakers (front passenger doors) $550/pr from Audiomobile (installation shop) --2 Pioneer TS-D1702R 6.75" 2 way speakers, $170/pr from Audiomobile --Sound Dampening, entire door, front L &R with installation $150 per door --Sound Dampening, around speakers only, rear doors L&R with installation $40 per door Total Electronic Equipment Cost: $1237.94 plus tax Sound Dampening: $380 Installation 4 speakers, amp, converter: $600 Total Cost To Me: $128.31 Converter, including tax and shipping $459.10 Amp, including tax and shipping $1898. 94 Speakers, sound dampening and installation of all components, including tax _________ $2486.35 The result in short: This was a pricey upgrade, but the result is gorgeous, rich, powerful sound without being aggressive. As with Randy, I planned this in two phases, thinking I would do a subwoofer later. With the very impressive Focal speakers, my one real splurge, driven by the hefty Rockford-Fosgate 150w per channel amp, I feel no need for a sub. In fact, for tunes with a lot of bass already, reggae for example, I roll off the bass on the Prius panel screen by 2-3 clicks to get a balanced sound and not have the bass overpower. "Ooops" moments: Originally, I bought the Audio Dynamics
Thanks for the shout out Peter. Someone actually went out there and spent more money on a speaker upgrade then I did! Looks like you have a really nice setup. I know you say you dont feel a need for a sub and at first, because it was such a dramatic upgrade from stock and because of the added price of adding a sub, I tried to rationalize the same thing in my head. I dont doubt that your setup sounds fantastic and I definitely enjoyed the first phase of my speaker upgrade but nothing beats the "fill" that a sub brings. Even if you're not a heavy bass listener, it dramatically changes the listening experience in the car.