It's amusing how a regional thing (in this case not understanding evolution) can become a stigma of a nation. But in this case I simply cant phantom why religious people don't listen to their higher authority, that is, the Pope and the Vatican. This has become a strange World. Things were much easier when I was a young chimp.
Dare I point out that this argument about scientists being wrong is actually proof that science evolves... "Scientific fact" is just a consensus among scientists about a description. Where those scientists work may be more important than what they do. Thus if junior college teacher performs an experiment and discovers something new, it is unlikely to enter the realm of "Scientific fact". If a Harvard professor does the exact same experiment, discovering exactly the same thing, it will be recognized as "Scientific fact". If the DEA says that there is no scientific proof that marijuana is medically useful, end of discussion. When cancer victims declare that marijuana helps their medical condition, that is just unqualified opinion. The boundary between fact and authority is a battleground.
I prefer scientific law either way. After all, a mere observation is just that. I do like skits that poke fun of social engineering though.