Bought a 2013 Prius 3 today...Sea Glass Pearl. We bought our last new car almost 20 years ago to the day (1993 Honda Accord EX) I still drive it with 330k miles and it runs great. Hope to get the same life out of the Prius.
Congratulations on your first Prius! BTW, quite impressive on the Accord ... 20 years old/330K miles ... a true testament to Honda reliability.
congrats on your new purchase,is this the prius v model or the c model. looking at your mirrors seem different from my 2012 model c,where I have the signal indicators on the mirrors, but I guess your model is american? vs my canadian version.
This is the regular Prius... trim package 3... we looked at the Prius C, but my wife thought it was a bit on the small side.
Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride! If you haven't already... read the owner's manual cover to cover. Lots of good information in there.
Congrats on your purchase. My wife thought the same of the C so we ended up with another "regular" Prius. Our daughter inherited the 2nd gen. If you are like most of us, it won't be your last Prius.
Well, if this Prius last as long as my Honda might be my last one We will probably be getting my mother-in-law's 2004 Avalon in a year or two to replace my Honda as a second car. (It only has 26k miles on it.)
My sister and her hubby have a 2005 Honda Civic hybrid with over 225K on it and the hybrid battery is starting to complain about retirement - they are hoping to drive it into the ground... I told them to look into ReInvolt to see if they can find a new battery to keep their "girl" going.
Nice paint color! congrats! I'm almost sure the 2nd car will get jealous of not being driven regularly like before and start exhibiting strange things.. hopefully not..
Congratulations!! You are going to love the Prius and I dont see any reason why you wouldnt get 300k miles out of it too