To make a long story I got myself into a tire/rim warranty and the Enviro Shield (paint/leather/fabric protection) when I purchased my Prius v Three (12/22/12). I had neck surgery earlier in the month and wasn't feeling the best of condition for sure and at the time they seemed reasonable since in the last year alone I've had two tires replaced (one blow out and another a pot hole I never saw). Anyway has anybody else gotten any of these? Are they worth it or should I try to wiggle out of them? My apologies if this has been posted before.
The fabric protection is worth about a can of Scotchguard (less than $10). I've always applied fabric protection myself and been very happy. As far as the paint, waxing it a few times a year will give you lifetime protection. Having said that, I could see a benefit if you have kids and risk spilling milk in fabric seats - that could be an expensive seat replacement if the enzyme cleaners can't get it out. If you have a situation where you have a high risk of tire damage, the tire warranty may be worth it. However, keep in mind that the OEM tires have a very low wear rating - figure on getting 25,000 miles out of them (but not if you want to use them in the snow).