I took a trip a few weeks ago from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in my Prius C. I averaged 47.5 MPG getting there, which is where it should be for highway. I used a little over half the tank getting there, so I had plenty of gas left over for any city driving I needed to do while I was at Vegas. I got there in the amount of time estimated by Google maps. I averaged the same going back to Los Angeles and used the same amount of gas. I spent a total of 45$ on gas for the entire trip, I was very pleased. The MPG (obviously) varied on my speed and the terrain. Some parts there is a slight incline, other parts there are declines, etc. Let the maniacs going 80+ pass you and enjoy the ride and the savings. Just thought I'd share my MPG experience to Vegas.
Pretty good mileage there. Funny timing. I'm taking the family to Vegas in a couple of days and I was begging to take my C. The family opposed the idea and we will take the V instead. Oh the horror.
Wow that's pretty good! My trips from LA to Vegas average 40mpg according to fuelly. Granted I had passengers (usually one or two other people with me), and I'm not totally conservative with my driving (I go up to 80mph on some stretches), that's something for me to shoot for on my next trip out!
I just drove to Vegas from Orange County and back. I average about 40 MPG. Possibly due to the cold weather? However, I only spent $50 total.
Well, I took two different trips from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. One time I had a heavy load of with a drum set in it and took the back route from the San Fernando Valley to the 14 N to the 58 E and the 15 Straight on the way back and it ended up costing about $65. Then another time I went with a car full of people, probably the same weight and just took the 15 to and from and it ended up costing $60. I drove on ECO mode most of the time and had the air conditioning off. I drove on cruise control a lot of the time the second time because I found that it was too much work to keep the gas pedal down. I was driving with the flow of traffic and even had trouble keeping up a lot of times. Maybe I could have driven a little slower closer towards that center "Eco" sweet spot? A couple friends of mine ended up paying $73 round trip and they had regular cars with decent gas mileage. Can anyone give me any idea of why I am not getting the same kind of gas mileage I am hearing about?
If you really have fuel economy complaints, you should probably start a new thread by answering questions at Fuel economy complaints/queries? Please copy, paste & answer these questions, esp. if you're new | PriusChat Your info tells us almost nothing about your trips and theirs. Cost also tells us nothing about actual fuel consumption and mileage. What if one person paid $3.50/gal for gas and the other paid $4.50, yet both people used the same amount and got identical fuel economy? We don't know the speeds, we don't know your actual mileage, distance traveled, fuel consumed, calculated miles per gallon, characteristics about the routes taken (such as elevation changes), temperatures (you will get worse mileage in lower temps), etc. What does "had regular cars with decent gas mileage" mean? Google Earth can give you an elevation profile of a route between 2 points! | PriusChat can give you the elevation profile. BTW, I think some folks here would find Car and Driver: The Truth About EPA City / Highway MPG Estimates | PriusChat insightful, esp. the highest average speed of any of the EPA test cycles. Spoiler for you: 48.4 mph.
Hey Now! All you folks driving your Cs out to Vegas need to let me know first! We could meet somewhere and have a photo op! This past week, my husband spotted a Blue Streak C with California plates at Home Depot... I was very jealous I wasn't with him to track down the owner.
So, if I drove my Jeep down to Las Vegas, you wouldn't have a photo op with me? All of a sudden I feel very alone in the world (and if I drove my Jeep that far, very poor in the world). Though I have seen several C's in Minneapolis... makes me wonder...
let's see.. my last trip to Vegas.. from the SF Bay Area.. i averaged about 58.6 mpg round trip.. as far as cruising speed? i don't really remember.. but i would guess around 50-60mph.
I will be making that trip soon from the Riverside area, I hope I can manage to pull great mpg's like you did
Oh, don't be sad, Frugal! I'd take a photo of your Jeep and my C... it just wouldn't be quite as thrilling as if you had a C as well.
When the car was near new, got 47.x mpg from orange county to san francisco. About 70mph ish average.
There's nothing like strong Santa Ana winds blowing in your face (from East to West) to cut mpg in a very painful way on the trip from LA to LV...on the other hand, when the wind is at your tail the mpg is almost magical!
what was your average speed on the freeway alone? I assume slower than 80 since you mentioned them flying by you.