Hi Every one. I have a 2011 prius five (not V) with the 17 in wheels. I was very lucky to have a buddy give me his 17 wheels because he replaced them with aftermarket. I am considering using the second set of rims as my dedicated snow wheels. The current oem tire is a 215 45 r17. The snow tire i am looking to buy only comes is 215 50 r17 or a 205 50 17. Not sure what fill fit the rim. Will this tire fit the 17 inch package five wheels? if yes will it throw off any speed sensors. Thank you
The 205/50/17 would be a better choice: less speedo difference, a bit narrower tire to dig through the snow and reach pavement, and less chance of rubbing. Good luck!
_____________________________________________________ I own a Five, of 2010 vintage, and I installed the Michelin Primacy Alpine PA 3, which replaces the Pilot Alpin PA 3. Just curious, what tire are you looking to install that only comes in the 50 aspect ratio ?
I agree with car compulsive. Opt for the 205/50/17. It is a taller tire than the 215/45/17 which is in turn shorter than the OE 195/65/15! So you'll have a narrower tire which is good for snow and you'll have more ground clearance than either of the OE tire choices. Most 205/50/17 tires are XL rated so they are a more robust tire and less prone to failure from debris. The Blizzak WS70 is available in this size.
Thank you for your help. You guys are awesome. As far as the rim do you think the 205 will have a problem fitting. Imdont know much about rims sizes.
Nah. The 205/50/17 will fit a 7" wheel just fine. This is the size I ran before selling my 17x7" wheels.
No. I mean 7". You asked if a 205 would fit. 205 is in reference to the wide of the tire, not the diameter. 17" refers to the diameter of the wheel.
Yeah, no problem there... the "215" & "205" indicate the measurement from the widest part of the sidewall to the other sidewall- not the rim width. The Michelin ice x i2's are awesome- I'm getting virtually the same mpg out of them that I get out of the stock 15" LLR all weather tires on the PIP. We haven't had much snow here this year so far- but I've gone out of my way to make the PIP misbehave and it just runs like it's on rails with the Michelin ice x i2's.
Ok a quick update. NY Nassau over a foot of snow up and down hills and unplowed street. The Michelin Xice 2 are amazing. Better than my old jeep. Other than traction control light occasionally kicking in. Did not get stuck once. Tried to purposely loose control and the tires held. Thanks guy for the good advise.