hi everyone, i've been checking out this forum over the last few days. i've been interested in getting a Prius C and i've been reading up on what everyone thinks of them. went to a dealership today to check one out. the pricing was ridiculous ($5k over msrp) so i didn't end up making a move on one.... yet. one thing i noticed when i checked the car out is that there isn't much space in the back seats. in my opinion, the car should come in a coupe version since i don't think there's too much room in the back. i'm 6'3" and i had to keep my head tucked in to my neck because it would hit on the ceiling of the car when i tried to sit in the back. do you think the C would benefit from having a coupe version of the car? i just don't see the need for four doors when i only find the front two seats to be spacious enough to sit in.
have specs for the 2013 model already been released? is there any chance that a coupe version would be implemented so quickly?
The back doors are for easier access to the rear seats for people and cargo if needed. Also somewhat cheaper than a 2 door to insure. Personally I prefer 5 doors (4+ hatch) to a 2 or 3 door. Prius coupe would be interesting to see though to compete with the CRZ if anything which should be better.
I drove a sedan for years, I was aching for a hatchback. I really like the design of the C. I've driven around with two passengers in the back sitting comfortably several times. I find it spacious enough for most people, I suppose if you're really tall it might not be as comfortable. The car looks small, but I always get the same reaction when someone sits in the back "Oh hey... this is pretty comfortable.." Do what I did when I went for a test drive, bring someone and have them sit in the back and ask them how it was for them, and sit in the back yourself while the car is in motion.
Are you kidding, $5k over MSRP? just bought mine a month ago and it under invoice. you can fly here for a vacation and have the car transport back to to LA it still under $5k, LOL
I've always prefered the 5 door layout. Even as a kid I really disliked the cramped feeling of a 2-door and although I'm not claustrophobic, I always hated being trapped in the back until the front seat passenger got up and let you out. In cars that had a latch accessible to the rear seat I'd always be the one to flip it the moment the passenger got out of the way, not waiting for them to turn back and fumble around. I've never been in the rear since owning a 5-door (I'm always driving) but even from the perspective of cargo handling when the seats are folded down, I like being able to open the rear doors and either load from the sides or reach in and adjust things loaded from the back. My Dad's comment on Christmas Day was "This is a bit like a TARDIS... bigger on the inside than you would expect from the outside". Not quite sure how it happened but somehow my parents managed to raise all four headrests other than the driver's, which I slowly kept noticing one at a time over the following days - as in I'd notice one was up, fix it when next I remembered, then be driving along later and notice another one. Even the middle rear one and I've still never carried a passenger there.
1st of all you don't buy any car at MSRP, let alone pay above MSRP. Second, the back seat is for passengers and not yourself. Hopefully, our passengers are not over 6 feet. And last, don't buy a Prius C with a sun (moon) roof that robs head room for those sitting in the back seat.
I would rather have a 2 door. I have never liked 4 door cars, this is my second one though. Guess I could bondo the crack and get rid of door handles. I would not wait for a 2 door unless you have heard something I haven't. Might be a while. I like the way Chevy did the rear door handles on the hatch Sonic. They hid them. there are a couple of makes that have also hid the back door handles. Dan
I like coupes...but the usability of the four doors is way better. There are a lot of times I would have been struggling with cargo if I only had two doors to work with. So, overall I'm happy with the five door layout. As far as comfort, everybody I've had in the car has been comfortable. Most of my family is on the shorter side, though.