I noticed that our Prius when the pump clicks off at slow speed setting I can still put in another 2 gallons of gas with gas at that point showing at the filler neck. I know, I know, this is forbidden buy most owners, but I am just trying to see if the Plug in Prius as the same type of gas tank that allows another 2 gallons of gas to be put in after the pump stops.
mine is pretty close to full at the first click. are you saying you can see the fuel in the filler neck, and yet you can still add two gallons?
oops....almost time for me to put gas in my PIP since July 26, 2012, another gallon to go , need to put at least 7.5 gallons in (based on BP gift card of $25.00 and gas at $3.39/gal.)
The reason you can still put gas in it is because all closed system gas tanks have extra space reserved for the fuel to expand into when the fuel gets warmer as in hot weather. If you intentionally overfill the tank there is no place for the extra volume of fuel to go and in older non zero emission certified cars the over flow fuel and vapor went through a charcoal filter to treat the vapor and extra fuel went into a cannister to be burned later which led some cars to overheat their catalysts under those conditions.. The zero emissions system is really closed on our cars so I don't know how it deals with the excess fuel volume from expansion, but I am sure overfilling could damage the emission equipment it it finds an excessive volume of fuel beyond its design limits
Ever wonder what those little holes are at the end of the nozzle? Problem is the law has changed in most states, for gas stations to install vapor recover systems at every pump. What that means as you fill the tank, the pump nozzle is vacuuming off the vapors. The problem is you keep clicking the nozzle the vapor recovery system is sucking raw gas from the top of your filler stand pipe. The gas station owner lovers it. Your paying for gas that is going back into his underground tanks. WHEN THE NOZZLE CLICKS OFF STOP FILLING YOUR TANK
With the PIP, you're not doing a fill-up. When you hit the filler door release, you're doing a fill-up request and are suppose to wait until the car gives the ok because the EVAP system is preparing the car to accept the fuel. This may be the reason why the PIP takes on less fuel than the regular GenIII. It may not be a good idea to top off.
The tank is physically smaller. Why carry so much fuel knowing it could be several weeks before refilling again? At 20,000 miles per year and usually recharging at home & work, it provides me with a 10-day supply. I see no need to risk damage to the evaporative emission system by squeezing more into the tank or to go any further. Distance wise, it works out to roughly 550 miles in the winter and 700 miles in the summer. That's plenty long.
The plug in Prius has a 10.6 gallon tank compared to the 11.9 gallon tank found in the Prius lift back. I know you can fit in more after the pump clicks off, but I never measured how much. I know I have done maybe a gallon but to keep clicking to fit 2 gallons takes more time than I would want to stand there. Not to mention fitting in that much just, to me, would not make sense.
I agree, I always fill to the next even gallon, never any problems. Just makes it easier to figure mpg if always a even gallon.
i used to fill to the next even dollar amount, but it moves so dast at today's price's, it's difficult to stop on the penny.
True, I use the same pump all the time and you get kind of now how it works, makes it easier to judge! not perfect but close!
Since this seems to be a poll: I stop when it first shuts off. Make no attempt to top up or round off. Get the receipt. Write the odometer mileage number on the receipt. Also note Trip A mileage and displayed liters/100km on the receipt, then reset Trip A (Just for insurance, the odometer mileage number is my mainstay.) Enter into a spreadsheet: the odometer reading and amount of gas. Also, just for laughs, enter the Trip A displayed liters/100km, to track the TBP (Toyota BS Percentage).
there are so many things to record and reset after filling, i have to pull away from the pump and park for a few minutes. last time, i was there so long, the owner came over and asked if i was okay. probably thought i was having a heart attack or something. my reflexes have slowed waaaaaaaay down.
I can drive my car to where it says "0" in the range meter ... like "no more driving" and I cannot get it to take more than 8.5 gallons, ever!