I've noticed occasionally that the light was on in my Scanguage when I approached the car. I went in my garage middle of last night and saw it was on and it was still on this morning so I unplugged it. We are using our Prius less now since we got our Think. I'm concerned about this draining the 12v battery when it sits for a number of days without being driven. Any thoughts or suggestions? PA P
The ScanGauge will turn on after the door is opened. I haven't noticed it on while the door is closed. If you sit in the car after it is powered down does the SG turn off in about 10 seconds?
JimN, I went to the car. The ScanGuage was not lit. I opened the door and got in. Interior light lit as is normal. ScanGuage did not light. I powered on and ScanGuage lit. I powered off, stayed in car and did not open the door. The ScanGuage went off exactly one minute after powering off. The settings showed on the ScanGuage during this minute with the water temperature slowly counting down. When the ScanGuage was on during the night last night and early this morning it was only the backlight in the ScanGuage with no settings being shown. I did put a trickle charger on the 12v battery this morning for a few hours and got it up from 11.x to 13.x. PA P
I've had my ScanGuage for about 5yrs now. I had no issues with it for the first 4+ years. However, several times during the past year, I've found it lit after the car had been parked in the garage for several days. I know for a fact that it had turned off after I had originally parked and exited the vehicle. Yesterday, after not driving the car for 4 days, I noticed that the ScanGuage was lit again. the battery voltage was down to 11.2v, so it must have been on for quite some time. I have an almost brand new Optima Yellow Top Battery. I am now concerned that this issue will cause my 12v battery to go dead. Any help out there??
In the past 6mo or so, I've experienced the exact same problem. I've used the scanGuage for 4+ yrs with no problems until recently. Does anyone have any suggestions??
The 'HYBRID' function that programmed in at SETUP time is supposed to extend the 'wait-to-sleep' to span EV intervals and may have gone bonkers to 'a fictional never-sleep' mode OR is picking up non-existent activity ( noise ) on the CAN bus which will keep the SG2 on. A few Options: 1. You may want to perform a refresh of the SETUP parameters by redoing them. 2.Unplug and leave unplugged for a day and then see if the default screen come up. 3.Get a new one.
Updating the ScanGuage itself may be an option too. My guess is that's all it needs. You mail in the device and $25, then send it back with the firmware updated. I ended up getting a new one because I had thoughts of chaining two together as part of my video capture. It does indeed shut off and stay off under all conditions, with the plug-in. The older did not, with the plug-in. With my 2010, the older would come on with the vehicle off only if I opened the hatch long after having powered down. An event the plug-in will trigger the older ScanGauge to come on is when the timer triggers recharging to begin. That doesn't exist with the regular Prius, so it is a non-issue for them.