They're part of a big bundle that comes up from below. It breaks apart for the little clock adjustment buttons and the start button. It's a big wire bundle down there...I just swapped out my stereo yesterday so I had all that yanked out. Does that help. Droid RAZR HD MAXX
Body Control Module. It's the box next to the fuse box under the dash that has wires coming from the front and the back of it.
Nope. It's going to be on the driver side. U have to locate the fuse box under the dash. The BCM is to the right of it but left of the steering column.
Alrighty.... Yeah went to the dealer and they were dumbfounded...I just went through wholesale parts the TIS computer there didn't display everything then I walked over to the foreman/lead tech for hybrids and sure enough even his TIS just showed wires going to relays (without markers or anything)