I have a 2011 Prius 3 w/NAV...my last two phones (HTC Sensation/HTC One S) have been able to stream music via Bluetooth, though the HTC One S (ICS) seemed to have some connection issues (it would drop if I got a call sometimes, occasionally it wouldn't recognize music and I'd have to reboot phone etc...) I now have a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (tmobile)...I was able to hook up the phone portion, but no audio...it is the "JellyBean" os. Any suggestions, or am I screwed? Thanks.
My Galaxy S3 with Jelly Bean works with the HDD headunit. Does Pandora via Entune work? That uses the BT Audio protocol too.
Try deleting all paired devices in both of the car, and the phone, reboot both, before making a final pairing. I have seen duplicated entries for the same device causing issues with BT connectivity.
Took to Toyota dealership...erased all connections...turns out, you have to pair audio first, then phone...otherwise all hell breaks loose. It's working now. Am I imaging things, or did my HTC One S (with Beats Audio) sound better? Thanks.
Just got a Note 2...no issues streaming music and pairing the phone but transferring contacts only produces a partial list (97 out of 128). I don't need all of them but some important ones I call frequently got left out. Anyone else have this problem? I deleted my old phone and contact list. Oh...I have a 2012 IV with the HD Nav system.
I had the same issue with the S3. What I did was reformat all the contact phone numbers on Google using my PC to get rid of the '(', ')', and '-'. I also had one or two that I just had to delete and recreate to get them to sync. The problem I still have is that only a few contact pictures transfer during sync. There is just no sense why all the contact pictures don't transfer. I'm only getting four out of sixty pictures and can't seem to figure it out. GT-P7310 ? HD
Thanks...will try going back to Google contact list and/or delete and recreate the missing ones. I don't care so much about the contact pictures although it seems everything should sync. Hopefully, Samsung and/or Toyota will fix this bug soon.
Putting contacts directly into the phone then syncing seems to work...a quick solution if you only have a few.