I just picked up my prius about a week ago. "...yeigh me!" I enjoy this car very much and highly recommend one. I love this website too! Happy New Year everyone!
congratulations and welcome! would you mind sharing your purchase details on the pricing thread? it's linked in the FAQ.
Welcome, (now hum along) .... to ... the ... machine... PS- you should enter your general location in your profile- it will help when answering questions you may post regarding the PIP.
Congrats! How is it going with your PiP. Do you have any stats (EV Driving Ratio screen,etc) to share?
. Seawolf, Everything is great with my new Prius. My tried and true EV driving ratio at 2001miles reads EV62% HV38% (when I bought it at 1290miles and read EV69% HV31%). But more importantly, I can make it to work on pure EV 999 mpg including a pit stop at starbucks then plug in at work Awesome! Returning home (big hill to climb (3) miles before home ...grrr!) I get about 98% of the trip on pure EV resulting in 385-415 mpg at destination still totally awesome! So I went (3) weeks on one tank of gas with (2) bars left was tempted but decided to play it safe and filled up today Next time I'll push it to one bar. I took delivery with a full tank so this was my first fill up. I chose premium fuel 91 octane but maybe it's ok to use 87 octane. For upgrades: This week I coordinated to have my car detailed with poly resin sealant no wax for (2) years. Next week clear bra and illuminated door seals. Coming soon EVSE upgrade. Waiting on mvd to release hov plates. I'll update before and after pics as soon as I get em.
Wish I could get my EV Ratio to come up some. We have not been above freezing since before Christmas and in the single digits most mornings. ICE comes on frequently even W/O heater. But Like you I live the car and mileage is good but nothing like many who post here.
You're in for quite a treat when the temperature finally rises. There's a huge difference between cold & season performance. The opportunity for EV increases significantly. It's quite refreshing to witness the difference firsthand. I got my PHV back when there was still a little bit of snow left last year. I enjoyed watching that transformation and very much look forward to it again this year.
I like the way you think all prius owners should automatically receive HOV plates but unfortunatley Arizona’s "Energy Efficient Pilot Program" only release 10,000 plates at a time in cycles. No word yet on next release date but hopefully soon... Motor Vehicle Division Motor Vehicle Division
I would almost pay the price difference here in SoCal for 91 if it didn't still have Ethanol in it... I'm still amazed we are forced to buy E10.
As I understand it, thank the farm lobby. Basically, ethanol (which happens to come mostly from corn grown in the midwest) is specifically required here, rather than specifying emission/evaporative/whatever targets which could be met by any means the refineries could come up with.
The least expensive place for Regular 87 octane ETHANOL FREE is in Longview, Washington about 60 miles from our house. Price as of yesterday was $3.599 per gallon. Costco in Warrenton Oregon, 10 miles from our house, is $3.209 per gallon for 87 Octane with 10% ETHANOL....
The only (supposedly) other alternative was MTBE. This was mandated in CA and turned out to contaminate ground water. It is unclear to me how widespread and dangerous this really was, but it was stopped and we are all left with ethanol. I think that the research on ethanol making gas "cleaner burning" is all very old and I wonder with all the newer cars how much ethanol really helps...considering that it also decreases mpg. Mike
I guess my point was that a specific solution was written into law (which financially benefited a certain group of voters who in turn made it beneficial to certain members of Congress), not the objective. Much like how the annual emissions tests here (fortunately not applicable to the Prius) specify that certain gadgets be present and functional, rather than just specifying the emission target for various substances.