Today was the second time I have walked into the garage and heard my Prius making a weird noise. Its not the noise that comes from the front when you open the door, or press the brakes....Its coming from the rear of the car. It stops when I press the start button. I made a video of the noise (nothing to see, as it was dark in the garage, but you can hear the noise. Anyone know what it could be? My concern is that its something running that will wear down my battery if I happen to not notice it is doing it sometime in the future.
okie dokie, so I guess it stops at some point on its own then... I guess I know now. Thanks! I found it....Interesting, I would think it would continue its testing after pressing start, but oh well...Here is the excerpt from the manual if anyone else is interested.... Approximately five hours after the hybrid system is turned off, you may hear sound coming from under the vehicle for several minutes. This is the sound of a fuel evaporation leakage check and, it does not indicate a malfunction. Well thanks for the help!
My wife's 3gen will hum in the rear of the car , hours after she gets home, sounds like a fuel pump in the tank, who knows.