Forgot what I meant to post here......How should I fix this poll? I already took care of the 35-30 thing but what about those who are actually 25? How do we know whether they voted for "20-25" or "25-30"? Should I just change it to 21-25, 26-30, etc., as Jack 06 suggested? Wanna do-over? What?
If I had it to Id just put 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-40 etc. I dont know what the hell I was thinking. :blink: :blink:
Sean Connery, maybe. Not Regis. We need more media images of older women with younger men. The experienced are supposed to pass along their wisdom.
Perfect! By mooshing up the age ranges, now it's almost a perfect bell curve! Statisticians everywhere will want to know how we did this.
I'm 27. To be honest, almost all of the Priuses I see around town (and I see between 3-10 per day) are driven by folks that look to be 45-50+. I've seen 2 in the last few weeks that look like they might be my age or even younger. One was a 20-something blonde ponytailed girl driving a silver Prius w/carpool stickers and a political bumper sticker. She was actually quite cute, and a speed demon too. I was right behind her and could barely keep up when the light turned green.
Ive probably seen a dozen Prii on the road down here Melbourne, Oz. (Im sure there are many more around). I was definitely the youngest person driving one. Im 30- most people I saw were easily in the 40s-60s, all with furrowed brows - for they did not have the youthful exuberance for life I still cling to
Haha! In a little over amonth I'd have to select the 26-30 option. I'm 25 with a birthday around the corner in March.
I WANT a scion hybrid !!! My only two minor gripes with the Prius is that it is too big, and the steering is mini-vanish. The poll nicely shows that the Prius attracts all age groups, which is something very few other cars can lay claim to.