Here is my oil anaylysis report I did on my prius.. total miles 47K.. miles on oil.. were 12000. It was the new mobil one 15K enhanced oil..
Thanks for posting the analysis, Scott. Did you run a single oil filter that entire 12k miles, and was it the Toyota product? I have used Mobil synthetic (not the new extended product) for this long, but always so far with a filter change (and a bit of top-up oil) halfway through. You did have more Al and Fe than we have usually been seeing in Prius, but not much more - I would not get to excited about it yet. I would look at the air filter, as they suggest, but again the number is not that much different. If they advised me to go to a shorter oil change interval, I'd do it. Note that their "universal averages" represents all of the Prius that Blackstone has done, using Mobil synthetic oil.
It was a single filter the whole time.. and it was a toyota oil filter. I think I can explain the wear.. I needed to have the air filter replaced at the last oil change. But they were out of stock.. took about 2 weeks to get the filter in. Had the service guy change the filter out in the parking lot..The engine area was very "sandy" dirt was flying everywhere. When we took out the old filter.. both the filter and the filter "housing" had sand/dirt in it.. It is possible.. and highly likely ..that dirt got into the air intake when we replaced the filter.. I cleaned it out as best I can.. but I am sure some fell in.. past the filter. So I will do another analysis at 12K and see how this one is compared to the last one.. Scott
Wow, it's cool that you can run 12k miles between oil changes. Will be interesting to see. Hopefully you won't have to change the air filter this time (or do it in a cleaner env). If this works I'm thinking about doing the same for my car.
You probably should try dropping the oil change mileage to 7500 between changes and then retest the oil, to see if your wear is less evident with the shorter time frame.
Scott: Given the interval, those values are still very reasonable. Even minor amounts of dust from an air filter change can dramatically increase engine wear. I always use an air hose to blow off the entire area around the filter before removing the filter box cover. I'm wondering why the Toyota tech didn't do that. Oh right, it wasn't his car, that's why. jay