Married for 6 years w/two fabulous daughters, 3 and 0.375. My wife and I met in college when she was a soph and I was a freshman. We lived on the same floor. We dated for 8 years (including almost all of my time in college) before tying the knot (which was a Carrick bend, if I'm not mistaken :lol: ). We lived together in 3 different states before we got hitched.
Jay, I'm with you on this! Exactly my feelings! (except for the cat) I'm also pretty spoiled and set in my ways now so I don't think I could deal with the 50/50 BS
I'm 100% in agreement here. My wife and I lived together for several years before getting married... in fact, our wedding was little more than an affirmation of our existing commitment. Something for which I'm decidedly unapologetic to the "Marriage MEANS something" crowd.
Going on 26 years to my best friend. Met on a blind date to go camping while in college. Twenty (20) year old son had enough of home rules and struck out on his own about a month ago . Daughter about ready to head off to college. We're really looking forward to empty nest syndrome. P.S. My wife is still my best friend; every year is better than the last.
Married 8 months but together for over 10 years. We couldn't get married until Canada made it legal. No kids, but 3 cats, and 2 dogs (1 lab/shepherd mix and 1 chocolate lab). Andy
Married 17 years, first wife, one terrific daughter almost 11. While marriage can be a real downer, I'm glad I took that step. Waited until I was 34 so I had pretty much 'done' the singles scene. I was ready. Now kids, that's a whole 'nutha thing! If you want to stress-test your marriage, that's the way to go. Had a few rough years right after my daughter's arrival but managed to weather it through. Now I can't imagine living without either of my girls.
Married 38 years. Looks as though only one of has been there longer than I have. Don't regret a day of it.
Single parent of a beautiful, intelligent and well adjusted 29 y/o daughter. Proof that it is not single parenthood that is the problem but poverty and lack of education!
Amen! Exactly the reason why same-sex couples want to be recognized. I have been with my partner for 15 years. We had a commitment ceremony 8 years ago and then got married in Oregon last year, which then we heard it did not count. We are seen as the most stable couple (among all married heterosexual couples) in our circle of friends, family and coworkers but yet we cannot join the institution of marriage. My partner and both our mothers will be going to the state capital (Olympia) this Monday to try and do something about this. We are also trying to adopt. But until then, our baby Prius, which we pick up this weekend in Portland, will keep us busy. Carlos in Seattle
<_< Question? I am 60 years old and was married once for 5 years in the early 70's. Since I have not been married for 55 years of my life I personally feel single. Am I single, or am I divorced? There are millions of people that have not been married for a lot less than 55 years and call themselves single. I therefore declare myself single. Any Government, state or individual that doesn’t like it can BITE ME!!! B) B)
Best of luck. Hope the bureaucrats can help you. If not, hope you get to talk to your leaders. They tend to be reasonable people but need to be re-elected if they want to keep their jobs. I don't understand the arguments of the opponents of gay marriage. Seems all bluster of "what the bible says..." I wouldn't trust anyone who claimed to understand the mind of God. They feel threatened on some fundamental level. Don't know how to help them get over it. Gay couples do not endanger my marriage in any way. My husband says while he doesn't want to kiss his gay cousin (or any male, for that matter), he doesn't see why Steve and his long-term SO can't be as married as the two of us are. Families are, and have always been, mushy conglomerates. The huge middle-of-the-road hasn't recognized this yet.
I once saw a bumper sticker that read, "Defend Marriage, Ban Divorce!" I don't think it was serious, but highlighted that heterosexual relationships are more of a "threat" to marriage.
lol, great thread! I voted "single and looking"... ...with the caveat that "looking" means something more amongst the lines of "casually looking", whatever-comes-my-way sort of thing, as opposed to something like obsessively going onto dating websites to line up 5 dates for the weekend... lol ALMOST went down the aisle once, even THOUGHT about a ring, after 2 years, and a fair amount of thinking, it was best to end the situation, for we weren't inherently compatible, and her biological clock was ticking. Would have been nothing but misery had we gotten hitched just so she could have her "family". I think all my previous relationships have paid serious dividends though, as I'm now faaaar more attuned to what I want, and can assess, rather quickly, how a relationship is going to "fly" (altough, it does take SOME time), before saying "I do"... Until then, I'll keep dating here and there, getting more and more refined with each and every one, and hopefully, get it right the first time... Ultimately, I think it's a risk worth taking, regardless of all the horror stories, for if you don't, it's sort of like being successfully blackmailed... h34r: