I'm trying to figure out a fair asking price for my 2012 Prius. The reason I'm having an issue is because it was in an accident 2 months ago that caused $13.5k in damage. (Yes, I know they should have totaled it and I pushed for it weekly, but it wasn't.) There was obviously frame damage (hence the high repair price.) It has: 10,300 miles Ground Effects Tinted Windows Floor Mats Rear Bumper Cover Marble Grey dash interior 17" wheels Eco-Leather interior Wheel locks Blizzard Pearl I am not in the small % of people that would purchase a vehicle that has been in an accident, and I'm sure the majority of the people who read this aren't either. But I would still appreciate your reasonable #'s. What would you pay for this Prius?
A bit off topic. But if you are concerned about loosing resell value of the vehicle after the accident, you should claim depreciation of worth with your insurance company as well. Not many people are aware that you can claim this. Generally, they will honor it as long as you go through the process to get it appraised by an an appraiser. Was this involved in a rear end, side impact, or front end collision?
Hey, I am already in the process of filing a diminished value claim (DVC) with the at fault parties insurance. I made sure the at fault parties insurance company knew I was going to from the start in hopes that they would take that into account when deciding if it was totaled. I've had to go through this process before and generally they won't pay out the exact amount you ask for, even if it is from an appraiser. I haven't hired one as of yet because they haven't given me their DV offer. I however did send in a 16 page document with pictures to show the lack of quality in the repairs, which is what a DV appraiser does. The only thing I haven't done is give them values on what they are going for today, that's also because it was only last week you could get figures off of KBB for a 2012. Generally they will meet in the middle of their offer and yours. I'm just curious what people think is a fair asking price, or even trade-in value (I've only had the car back a couple days and haven't had time to take it in to see it's trade-in value.) It was rear end impact, I was stopped, she was going 35+ MPH, pushed us into the car in front of us. To top if off the repairs are certainly not "brand new" standards. The car had only 9,500 miles on it at the time of the collision and I had only owned it 3 months. It was in the shop for 60+ days. I also am going to send in an e-mail to my insurance company and see what they now value my car at. In the event I get into another accident they would want to know it's value to decide if it should be considered a total loss.
The going rate for a repaired salvage title seems to be 15,00 16,000. I would think more than that much as it still hasnthe warranty right?
How did you find out the information for a repaired salvaged title? I haven't even thought about looking into that information. I do know that kbb puts it at around 21k for fair condition. After hearing that info I would say it should be less than kbb in fair (because it doesn't look even close to new,) but more than a salvage. It has a warranty, but I am unclear at the moment if it's transferable. Plus I do know that the body shop work is only warrantied to me for the lifetime that I own the car.
Very, very, sad and it is so hard to hear that they didn't total it. Man that is so disappointing to hear. I would be posting that insurance companies name every where to warn others. I must admit I would never buy any car that was Hit much less totaled. It can never be the same. All those little electrical connections, every bolt has to have the correct torque value, it is more likely to rust, I doubt the warrantee is valid, the frame and all the parts are most likely not OEM, for the cost and personal peace of mind, I would get a certified used or a base new, before a reconstructed totaled used car. Trade it in take the hit and get out of that jack pot. But most of all dump that insurance company and please post the name of that company so I can tell everyone I know what to expect from that bunch of thieves.
The at fault parties insurance is State Farm. What sucks is I called them at every extra expense there was so they could total it. By the end the State Farm rep said "i wish we would have totaled it." So now I'm after a very large amount for diminished value to cover my loss. While I agree on not buying a car that's been in an accident, the parts they used are oem. That's all that could be found for the most part. I plan on getting out of it as soon as they cut me a check for the diminished value. Just don't know how buying a new one will pan out.
I really hope you make out with this, the whole ordeal is a long painful walk. It only get compounded when freakin STATE FARM won't treat you like they want to be treated, with making good on an agreement. Seriously, I have STATE FARM for like 40 years, and over the past few years service is less than acceptial and premiums are now at the point where I need a review!
I also had state farm from the time I first started driving at 16 until I was about 19. I had a bad experience with my rep and their employees. They said I was covered for a tow and rental and when I brought them the receipt they said I wasn't covered. The rep actually blamed me for being upset about it. "you transferred to me from another rep didn't you? Maybe it wasn't the rep that was the problem." Needless to say I didn't keep state farm, even though they were the cheapest. I paid more for better service with some one else. Luckily though the lady I've been working with from state farm is nice enough, not prompt on replying, but better than expected.