Our 2013 Acura RDX has 2.5ga left when the fuel light comes on. Most cars have a healthy reserve built in. It looks bad when your vehicle is stranded on the side of the road.
The Gas Gauge Says Full, But That's Not Quite True: NPR | PriusChat might be insightful, even though it's a Ford engineer speaking. I agree w/F8L's comment about wanting to be conservative/erring on the side of caution by the automaker.
I've never come close to putting 11 gallons in my 2011 Prius. I've got 49.3 average over 11 months and 30k miles. The dash always reads about 3-4 mpg higher.
Not that anyone really cares besides me, but I figured I'd update this thread in case it is of use to anyone in the future. Fillup number two was 9.514 gallons and with 504.4 on the trip odometer. That's 53 mpg, but "Cons." read as 57.2 mpg. Still loving life in the new Prius!
The length of your drive is another critical determinant. A cold engine kills fuel economy. Therefore I don't "compete" with other Prius owners for best economy, I only work to do the best I can. I could improve my MPG by taking a longer route into town - but I'd still burn more fuel.
I've got 38-41 miles each way and can pick Interstate vs. State highways. I seem to be doing a lot better on routes with State highways so far. It's been fun to drive (in a different way) to work each day.
I also find myself changing the commute based on terrain, traffic, and weather. It's almost like a game to keep the dash number high! I ride between 85 and 102 miles each way. The fastest time-wise is mostly highway but its flat, so I use the gas pedal more and hit about 52 on average. The 85 mile ride is through towns and back roads. Stop and go and slow speed limits also keep mpg in the low 50s. The 98-mile option is the best for me, state highway rolling 55 with traffic, steady cruise with same up and down hills each way, gets mpg up into the upper 50s and into the 60s with warm weather. I've been finding that, for me, steady cruising has been the best bet for my mpg.
Sounds like we are finding the same types of results for the same type of driving. Good to know that what I'm seeing makes sense.
3rd fillup - 9.438 gallons to first click, trip odometer was 472.2 miles ==> 49.8 MPG (Cons. read 53.2). Weather has been colder and I took a lot more short trips on this tank. Updating once again in case it helps someone
I've driven in Georgia weather, all year. So my vehicle has not seen the extreme winters of others. The last half of the year, I've done more highway driving. But I'm running a 49.2 mpg for the year. It is less than I got with my 2000 Honda Insight but more than any of my gas guzzling V-8's. So I am happy.
4th fillup - 9.555 gallons to first click, trip odometer was 502.9 miles ==> 52.6 MPG (Cons. read 56.5). Range was at 9 miles. Weather was warmer and I took a more commuting type trips on this tank. Updating once again in case it helps someone