I believe most of Long islanders on this forum knows about LIPA rebate. I posted about it few months back as well.
okay, so 31,000 w/8.625% tax implies a $28,539 before-tax price. that's extremely high for the region. it looks like the dealer isn't cutting the price at all, there's just the TFS rebate and nothing else. look at the spreadsheet in the FAQ. I would refuse to pay anything above $27,500. But really, a "good" price is something in the 26-27k range.
well long island dealers aren't willing to move from the price point so his price quote seem just about right. you have to literally get out of the metro nyc area to get decent quotes. $27000 can be had if he/she is willing to travel just couple of hours, as I helped someone get this quote just few weeks back
he can even go to NJ, it doesn't have to be hours and hours. though RI/MA might be the same distance depending on how far east on LI he is…
Well I am glad I held off going in. Will spread my search area. Thanks for all the help. I was not sure I was reading the spreadsheet right, now I am sure I wasn't.
I think they figure the sales tax before taking the TFS$4000 off, I am getting $30,216. total from a OTD price of $27,500. Does that sound right??
oh yeah, you are correct. forgot about that. it's close to the end of the year, i guess i would push for 27k or less. that would imply a 31k price before rebate and $2673 in taxes.
I have tried dealers through the Albany NY area to Boston (3 hrs away), I cannot get anyone lower than $28,300. Any suggestions for dealers who might go down to $27K (or $31K before incentive)????
I checked at some of the dealers I used when shopped for mine. Their inventories on the 2012 are much smaller--almost gone. They are not advertising any discounts like they were. How many PIPs does the LI dealer have in stock?
I got my Blizzard Pearl for $31,233 before the incentive, from DCH Brunswick in NJ. For other colors, they should be able to do $31K. They still have one Base gray in stock.
Standard + 5 mats Ca, Usa MSRP $33,020 Price: $31,519 (less rebate $1500 = $30,019) + Tax 7.75% (local tax)= $32,345 less $2500 Tax credit - October 2012= $29,845 I also got a quote for the 2012 Prius Three , + solar roof. and was quoted $27480 (TAX included) +$1250 financing over 5 years = 28,730 Paying $900 more for PIP.. financially and logically, i got the PIP - (hov lane, plug-in, preferred parking at work and surrounding malls/city streets) estimates: +/- $200
The Toyota dealer(s) in Syracuse have been mentioned a number of times as offering good deals on the 2012 PiP. But I do not know if the best 2012 deals are still out there. PM me if you cannot find a post on it I will try to find it. Here is one earlier post from this thread, some folks even offer rides from airport to dealer:
Thank you all for your help and info! I did call the dealer in NJ and he did not have any stock of the base model. I also called one Syracuse dealer who had one silver base model in stock. Yikes. So, I went with the dealer who I liked the best in my area and haggled just a little bit more. Certainly not one of the best deals reported, but I'm very excited about my new PiP! OTD before taxes/fees = $27,999 Plus all weather mats and cargo net envelope thrown in. Seaglass Pearl They have to get it from another dealership, they did not have the color in stock and I am out of town next week, so I might not be driving it until after the New Year, but the paperwork is signed!
Hi JMT, Do you mind posting your numbers? As you know I just bought my car and curious how much you got from Brad at Russell? And what accessories you got.